T.D.o.N.B: Favor

In the next few days, the relationship between Tihana and Celestine grew at an astonishing pace. They were spending a lot of time together. My fake daughter seemed to be helping by explaining a lot about how things in Arc worked, and the brunette in return, helped her with English studies, as she actually majored in that subject.

Moreover, she knew a lot about literature. But, as I found out, she was actually more interested in psychology and social studies, but never got the chance to pursue those interests, because she didn't have both the time and money for that.

Meanwhile, I chased after some information about Xuzards. I managed to find out that a lot of them left for the village of Uhm's, to protect them, because the aliens who briefly occupied the city couldn't wrap their heads around the peaceful species, and tried to harass them a lot. This made Ki'rai step in. Some of the little lizards stayed behind, but it was only a few.