T.D.o.N.B: Trouble in the Paradise

I expected things to become slightly more normal. I know, in my situation, there couldn't really be something called 'normal' anymore, but I hoped for my normal. Normal, which meant I don't have to face something crazy every two weeks.

Obviously, things didn't go as I wanted. Some events were pleasantly surprising, others not really. It started the very next day, when the three of us ate breakfast, Tihana left for school, and I had to wash the dishes after.

- I'll help you - Celestine said.

She had the same loose blue dress which almost costed me my jaw. She was, to put it mildly, distracting. Especially when it was just the two of us in the kitchen, washing the bowls after morning oatmeal.

- Sure - I agreed

As I was already picking stuff off the table, I heard the sound of the door closing behind my daughter.