T.D.o.N.B: A favour

After the meeting with the entity, my life kinda stagnated. Tihana and Celestine kept going hunting, separately, but they both tried to do it as often as they possibly could. I would stay home and make sure that food was always ready for them, but I would also go hunting. In my case, every day. At least for a few hours, to look for a ghost to put properly to the grave.

It brought me a few crystals in a span of a month. Very peaceful month. A month full of waiting for more news from The Great One about the creature which was lurking somewhere in space, and observing us. 

It became so boring, that I started to think of chasing after danger, yet again, and returning to the city where I found the strongest ghost so far. The seeds of a journey to the outskirts of Aaraam'soturi also sprouted in my head. I just couldn't help myself but wanted to experience how it would look to face all those powerful ghosts at once.