T.D.o.N.B: Explanations

- AAAAAnyway! - Will resumed his speech. - We are facing a crossroads. Some of you know others were kept in the shadows, but we are all friends, and I believe it's the moment when we put our cards on the table.

He sighed heavily, the immediately began talking again.

- Peter and me, but mainly Peter, have been in contact with an entity who was behind all of this. Behind the device, behind the city, behind the strange undead creatures in the wastelands, and more. It's a long story. At first, we didn't have a choice, because there were other dangers, and he offered us help if we followed his orders, but then the High Queen came, and everything changed. As you know, Peter vanished, and our memories got blocked, but it's only half of the story. The other half is that Peter and that mysterious creature, The Great One, had to fight the High Queen, and they killed her. Now that being is the High Queen, as he assumed her shape - Will said.