T.D.o.N.B: Angry Father

- Come inside - she said then, immediately heading back to her house. - I followed.

We entered a short corridor, with shoes on the floor. It had a passageway to the kitchen, on the left, but we didn't go deeper into the house.

- You have to understand, that if I tell you anything, they will come after my family - she instantly broke into tears.

- I'm a hunter from Arc. A powerful one. When I mode with them, there will be nobody to go after you or your family. Besides, I think I can get you protection - I assured her.

  She took a deep breath, to calm herself a little. 

- I saw two guys there - she said. - I know they work for 'La X'. Some guys from this neighborhood work for them too. They deal heroin. They will be at my house as soon as you leave. They were here as soon as they knew that police wanted my testimony, and they told me to not say anything. I barely came back from the police station, after telling them repeatedly I saw nothing.