T.D.o.N.B: Fancy meeting you here

I shadow walked straight to the guy, blocking his trigger with 'Telekinesis' then slapped him in the face so hard his neck broke. The two other guys reacted, but they couldn't shoot, as their weapons seemed to be jammed. Again, it was my fault.

I wanted to ask them about Vato, but then I realized it was pointless. They wouldn't answer me anyway, so why should I try if it might me unnecessary?

I used 'Eyes of the Void' to scan through the vicinity. I noticed several people around. Three were tied up and kept in one of the inner buildings. In the next one were another two, also tied up. Above was another group of three people, but they were clearly free. Walking and talking. Well... two were walking, and one was sitting

This discovery made me so happy, that I immediately dealt with the two still alive. Then I made a little surprise and yelled at the top of my lungs.

- Vato! Come out!