T.D.o.N.B: A secret place

We appeared in a place bathing in a mix of white light, with a little bit of blue. It took a moment for my eyes to get used to the new environment, then I was able to recognize a few things.

It was a proper jungle, with those massive threes which had dark blue trunks, and pale blue leaves. All the vegetation seemed to have similar coloration. Most of the flowers, though, were white.

I could hear the birds singing, and the humm of wind, with a slight murmur of the leaves.

In the air I saw a few bugs, as big as my open hand, flying around with a purpose known only to them. My eyes focused on something which looked like a flying spider, which suddenly got snatched by a bright red flying creature, which after a moment I classified as some type of bird.

- What the heck is this place? - I asked The Great One.