T.D.o.N.B: Scars from the past

When I woke up, everybody seemed to be busy in the kitchen, so I didn't go there to interrupt. Instead, I went straight to Will. As usual, there were few people waiting outside of his office, and the blonde secretary was making sure nobody would get in out of the order.

- He has a meeting - she informed me when I showed up.

I ignored that and didn't even stop as I approached the door. She also didn't try to stop me. I guess after all this time, she finally accepted it wasn't going to work with me.

I just burst in, but the view took me by surprise. Inside, except Will, were two other people Joseph Wu, and another one, whom I barely knew, but the name somehow stuck with me - Anthony Goldbloom.

- Speak of the devil - said Will.

While the two others turned around in their chairs.

- Mister Peter - said Anthony, and he even stood up to show respect, which was so weird that it almost completely confused me. Joseph only nodded.