T.D.o.N.B: The Ceremony

Since the return of The Great One could happen very soon we were on a tight schedule with organizing everything, especially considering the fact that a few of our guests had to travel from overseas, and they were in no position to just get the plane tickets with a snap of their fingers.

This issue became so bad, that I actually had to intervene by booking the flight by myself and paying good money. Normally I wouldn't do that for people whom I considered as 'random' despite them being close friends of Celestine, but I considered it as a favor for her, not them, so no price was big enough for me to refuse. Obviously, for her family members, the case was entirely different.

I personally brought my mother, but we came to the conclusion, that she won't really tell who she is to anybody, so the intel wouldn't spread to unwanted individuals. There was also an issue of the language barrier, which worked in our favor.