T.D.o.N.B: The Culprit

In no time, everybody was at my house, so I led them to the basement, so the kids wouldn't be able to hear us, even if the conversation became heated. I wasn't planning on screaming at anybody, even though I felt very frustrated. I couldn't be sure, though, that others wouldn't raise their voices.

Most of my friends were visibly disturbed by what happened. Martin and Hailwic, on the other hand, clearly felt ashamed.

Also, everybody brought their seeds, so all of them ended up again in my vault, where they were completely safe.

- I have a solution - Hatta kept saying right from the entrance, and he repeated himself when we were underground.

- Ok, say it - said Hailwic.

- Wuxia has two seeds. We can give you the one Amit has. We already talked about this, and we were going to end up on the same planet anyway. It's the best solution - he said.

- We need to find the thief, and kill them! - hissed Ki'rai.