T.D.o.N.B: Unlikely duo

His blades suddenly appeared above his head, and he dragged them down, aiming at John's head. The hunter stepped back, bringing the spear shaft up to protest himself, but it worked only on the initial strike, which was followed by another one, and another one, pushing the brat further back. I immediately noticed that this assault was overwhelming for him, and if it were to continue, he would lose his footing which meant death in normal circumstances.

I didn't recognize it at first, but my body, on its own, lowered my center of gravity, as I slightly bent my legs, reading myself to jump forward.

I didn't have to, as Tihana came charging from behind at the goblin with a battle cry on her lips, and she swung her sword wide, exposing herself. Her attack didn't reach him, since he heard her from miles away, kicked the guy and turned around at the last moment blocking her blade.