T.D.o.N.B: The workshop

So... When there was finally nobody around, I approached the device again, and placed my hand on it to begin the work. First, I chose a piece of land on the city's outskirts, right next to the wall. You might think that a location close to my house would be a good decision, but I thought the opposite. The further away, the better because I would probably make a lot of noise, and contrary to everybody else, I couldn't say to my family members to "shut up and deal with it" if they would complain.

Let's face it, my schedule was a mess because I rarely needed any sleep, and when I was excited about something, even less so it was more than possible I would spend a whole night or at least half of it smacking a piece of metal with a hammer. The rest kinda pieces itself together. 

So yeah, it was all to avoid a civil war in the house.