T.D.o.N.B: Re-discovery

I started my day shortly after midnight and did a whole clear of the twelve new territories gathering crystals worth 346 724 000 points. When I returned the evening already began, and the rest of the hunters, including my family, was already in the city center, splitting their score. They all seemed tired, but I saw glimpses of humor popping up here and there. Some jokes or maybe funny stories were shared around.

The stuff from the previous day, the tables, big umbrellas, and all the chairs, were still there but pushed slightly to the side, so they wouldn't block the main paths.

When I got closer, waving to Celestine and the kids, I realized that I was wrong. Those people weren't happy because somebody said something silly, they were excited about something.

I soon learned about what, when Tihana and John approached me.

- We want to try and kill the orc boss - she said straight up.

- We think we are strong enough - the brat added.