T.D.o.N.B: The first toy, part I

I made breakfast for my surprise family. They didn't expect me in the house to make food for them but accepted this with happiness.

When they left to hunt, I immediately went to my workshop to dump all the materials I kept in my vault, then began working.

I had the project in the notebook, but I actually couldn't start with the skeleton. I needed to start with the core. It was quite complicated to make a material holder for the proper infusions. There were several ways how to do it utilizing different types of materials.

Since as my first creation I didn't want something too time-consuming but gathering very specialized and good enough for its function. And that function was, to exterminate a certain type of enemy of my choosing. I decided to go with the fire elementals because it was actually easier for me to design something immune to high temperatures with a toolkit to kill that specific type of monster using the opposite elements.