T.D.o.N.B: Fin, the First, part I

The fire elemental which became the first target reacted quite soon and started I would say running toward my golem, but it looked more like hovering slightly above the ground. It was a swirling cloud of raging flames, roaring loudly as it moved.

Fin stopped, extended his left hand, the mechanism popped out, and he started shooting water bullets at the creature. Each of them made this strange sound similar to the one made by a bottle of champagne being opened.

The speed was enough to break bones, and he was shooting one after the other. They hit the mark, which we could hear thanks so the wild hissing made by liquid changing into steam, but it didn't seem to work.

At first. One volley in and the elemental slowed down. His flames became visibly smaller. Fin then stopped shooting, and moved his hand, like he wished to backhand the creature, which still was far away. As he moved his hand, the water pistol switched to jet stream mode.