T.D.o.N.B: Winners and losers

He tried, though, to do something. Have you ever heard about fighting fire with fire? Well, in this case, this saying doesn't really work, since he puked some flames to melt the lance, so when it hit him, it wasn't as hard as it needed to be. Thank's to that, it failed to pierce through his skin covered in scales, but it still pushed him off balance.

Which created a perfect opportunity to strike with the sword. The saw-like side, to be precise.

Leonel somehow redirected the hit, with an awkward move of the pudao, but this didn't mean he was out of the troublesome situation yet. He stumbled backward, almost landing on his ass, but at the last moment, he was able to regain his balance, although he had to almost crouch in the process, kicking a lot of sand too.

It looked like a good chance to strike from above, so mister knight seized the moment, jumping forward and bringing his blade down, to smash into the wooden handle of my weapon.