T.D.o.N.B: Tihana VS Satoshi Tanaka

- Copy that, Bruce! Let's start with the fact that we have a very, very interesting match in front of us. One of the biggest mysteries of the city. A moment named Tihana. She is the adopted daughter of one of the first hunters in the city and good friends with the boss himself, mister William. With a history like that, you can expect some incredible things from her, although we both aren't exactly sure what she can do.

- That's right. A mystery indeed. We only have a couple of fo hints indicating that this woman can pack a punch. Those clues are the hunting grounds she visited.

My eyebrows climbed up my forehead, as the statement surprised me.

"Can they access that type of information? Would Will allow it?", I asked myself.

- She even got as far as to take a stab at giants, which we all know are a hell of tough opponents to hunt down - Bruce continued.

"Oh, right. He leaked them something, but not too much", I concluded after his words.