T.D.o.N.B: Celestine VS Luis Martinez

Celestine got visibly stressed by Will's words, but she tried to hide it with a smile. Things got worse as he left, though, because shortly after that somebody knocked on the door to our room.

- Participant Celestine, please prepare for your match. I'll escort you. Your items are already waiting for you - we heard the familiar voice of whoever was responsible for guiding the fighters from our room.

- I'm coming! - she replied.

Everybody tried to comfort her with some words, or a hug, so I had to push my way through them. I hugged her, then whispered in her ear:

- It's going to be an easy fight. Just don't allow your mind to defeat you, because that's your worst enemy right now. Be calm and focused - then I kissed her on the cheek and took a single step back.

She gave me a smile, then a nod, and finally left the room.

- Oh, god. I think I'm gonna puke - said Tihana as soon as the door closed. - The tension is too much...