T.D.o.N.B: Winners and losers

A burst of light surrounded Celestine, expanding further away from her body until it disappeared in the air revealing her new form. She had a halo over her head made of tiny daggers intertwined with one another, making the full circle. The pointy tips and the handles were sticking out.

Her wings expanded, just like the sword in her hand. It was now bigger - a double-edged blade, very slim at the end, and broader closer to the elliptic handguard. The metal was almost white, while the guard became golden.

The shield was gone from her hand, instead, she had those white shards surrounding, like from a broken mirror, surrounding her left forearm, and moving alongside.

Martinez, after landing heavily on the sand, turned around just to see the effects of the metamorphosis. He growled.

- Come down here, you coward! - he yelled.

She did just that, diving straight down, like a shooting star, just to land next to him in a cloud of sand.