T.D.o.N.B: The lost brother

It was a fraction of a second, but I knew it would happen just when I noticed them, so I shadow walked away, barely making it before the swordsman arrived at my spot, swinging widely. The other two needed a little bit more. The one with the rod send a beam of white energy to my new position but I avoided it, so the laser hit the wall behind me. It didn't even leave a mark despite being strong enough to melt almost anything I could think of.

I decided to clash with them because avoiding was pointless, so I charged, just to get my movement stopped by the one who had no weapon. He was a powerful psionic. Probably on par with The Great One, so he slowed me down significantly.

I fought with him using my own 'Telekinesis', so his grasp wasn't affecting me as much, but I was still not at my best. Then the swordsman arrived again, swinging at me. I blocked his blade with mine.