T.D.o.N.B: The path to victory

The next couple of days were very quiet like we all were afraid to address what happened because it could bring more bad news.

I was split between Arc and the new city my family was in. Obviously, I pretended to the best of my ability that nothing was happening. Meanwhile, Will was busy picking crystals in the wastelands. Druoag stayed in Loistavadvaar with the rest of the aliens, waiting for The Great One to pick them up. 

Somehow time flew like a jet.

Even with our weird approach, there wasn't much we could do to prevent more bad news from coming our way. It happened around two weeks later when Will already returned from his trip to Aaraam'soturi.

The Great One summoned us once again. We all met in Loistavadvaar like we usually did. The aliens were already gone by that time.

- Hope is monitoring our enemies. He will provide us with a map, so we will know exactly where to go - he said as soon as we all were around, me, Will, and Druoag.