T.D.o.N.B: My ghost friend

Since I didn't want to bug anybody around, because they had plenty of better things to do than to entertain my whims, I just went to one of the worlds connected to Loistavadvaar to find a nice ghost, willing to help me. Knowing how good samaritans they were, I had no doubts that the first one I could possibly encounter would be willing to give me a hand.

The problem was that there weren't that many around anymore, so there was a chance of me just wasting my time. Although now my senses were better, not to mention different entirely, so I had better chances of detecting them.

The world I chose had clouds of chemicals blocking the light coming from space, so the only source of light was street laps, shining quite brightly in every direction. They looked like straight columns with reflectors built inside, sending the rays all around.