T.D.o.N.B: The war begins

Left alone to our own devices, we came up with a plan for the future days. Since there were still plenty of crystals left in the wastelands, we decided to go look for them until The Great One left to start the war. Then, we would use the remaining time to learn more about our fighting styles and prepare for our assault, until we got the signal to attack.

That's exactly what we did, until the fake Queen Ixa suddenly appeared among us, in the wastelands, holding a bracelet. It was black, solid, with a round part on top.

- Greetings, humans - he said to us.

As we noticed him, one by one we stopped the work, to turn our attention to him. Once again we were surrounding a pile of stone with, picking the crystals from it.

- And you Druoag, and you as well, little one - he switched briefly from looking directly at me to glancing at Ki'rai.

- Something happened? - I asked, but I already knew why he came.

After all, I did notice the bracelet.