T.D.o.N.B: S27B, part II - Ki'rai

Ki'rai vanished, charging forward to catch up with Druoag. A borderline impossible goal, while I took off to the side, flying away, before launching myself beyond anybody else's speed.

Behind her, the rest of the group was already also charging.

Their attack was prevented before it could possibly even properly begin. The ground split, creating this massive, seemingly bottomless chasm, while on both sides, the earth erupted with sharp, rocky spikes, separating our group even further.

Jumping and tumbling, the little alien avoided everything thrown her way, losing some speed in the process, but still far away from stopping.

In this ripped-apart battleground, separated into smaller sections, she found her path blocked by the sudden appearance of three alien forms.

All were rather bulky with weird skin. It had this unusual texture, making it look very much like the bark of a tree. It was mostly brown, at least where she could see it.