T.D.o.N.B: S15C, part II - The burning man

They tried to stop me. A few bulky aliens wearing still from the soles of their shoes to the top of their heads. All were armed with heavy shields and single-handed weapons. Fixe of them in total positioned to clearly stop me, with a shimmering barrier spread between those shields of theirs, reaching far beyond.

They clearly knew what they were doing, because I couldn't in a simple way go past them. The only thing I could do was resort to violence. Releasing some Ki inside my body I punched. The sheer pressure made by my hand compressed the air so it looked like it turned into semi-solid form, where the cracks could appear, but the temperature also went up to the point of ignition, so the flames erupted when my fist crashed into the shields reinforced with the barrier, sending the guardians flying, as the kinetic force ripped through the plaza, tearing the plates it was paved with to pieces, and throwing them everywhere.