T.D.o.N.B: S15C, part X - The Fallen

I jumped up to get a good view of the surroundings. I noticed Nobuo, still engaged in his fight. Further back was Hatta holding up some fire mages, and keeping the crazy heat Nil unleashed from spiling further around.

Druoag, surrounded by more than z dozen of corpses was still beating up some guardians, who barely could hold him off. The situation seemed to be just a matter of time.

Then I saw what was going on the other side. The barrage of magic was thrown at my friends, where something definitely looked off.

I got there almost in an instant. With a wide barrier, I blocked all the spells, which smashed into the invisible wall. It briefly obscured everything in front of me while all the flames licked the blockade I put.

It quickly disappeared, and I was able to notice the two warriors that held Will for so long. I intercepted them, allowing the mages to attack once more.