T.D.o.N.B: The center

Since the device was destroyed, I thought that maybe there was a chance for me to 'shadow walk' out, back to Loistavadvaar, then maybe return with replenished strength, but my attempt failed. A similar experiment, just with the telekinetic ability to teleport, which I performed next, also didn't succeed.

Next idea was to leave the planet and try in space. After all, the portals were somehow working, so there was a possibility of me getting away too.

I somehow launched myself into space, then got close to one of the portals, attempting to leave once again. This time too, I failed. Even trying to go past the portals didn't fix the issue.

There was something there that prevented me from leaving. Maybe something stretching beyond just the domes and the planets. I couldn't really tell, but it didn't matter in the end. Important was only the fact that I needed to find a way to get my strength back.