Chapter 4

Where did this habit of inviting people home if they didn't agree? ? ?

I didn't teach it anyway. Yan Suizhi said.

He never "invite people home" with a face of anger, he always smiled and let go.

But he can't go out yet. He didn't even see a punctuation in the bombing file.

Yan Suizhi glanced at the holographic screen that had not been put away... At 10:15, 1 hour and 11 minutes have passed since he was announced to have fallen into Gu Yan's hands. This is probably a Southern Cross Law Firm. New record-

He was ruthlessly persuaded to leave after reporting for an hour, which was unheard of.

Perhaps it was precisely because the situation turned too fast and completely escaped from expectations, Yan Suizhi not only didn't think it was annoying, but wanted to laugh...

He is actually very presumptuous when he speaks and does things, and he does what he wants to do, so he really bends his mouth.

As a result, Gu Yan, who had just cut off the communication, turned his head and saw the intern who was about to be invited home smiling, the kind of light and pleasant smile in the corners of his eyes and mouth.

Gu Yan: "..."

not good.

Yan Suizhi smiled instantly and his eyes fell on his fingertips. He used his finger to open the translucent holographic screen in front of him, then raised his eyes to look at Gu Yan again: "I'm sorry..."

Sorry for the fart!

Yan Suizhi felt that these words were clearly on the cold face, but Gu Yan only pursed his thin lips, frowned and looked at him, then turned his eyes away without saying a word, as if to look at him a little longer. Shoudu is gone.

The light brain on the barrister's desk sounded several reminders, and then began to spit out the holographic pages, piled up in front of Gu Yan without stopping. It seems really busy.

Fitz rushed upstairs in this crazy information prompt.

The anxious and crisp sound of high-heeled shoes seemed to be on the battlefield until they stepped on the gray velvet carpet in Gu Yan's office.

"Gu? I was a bit at a loss just now, and I suddenly reacted after halfway through the procedures." Fitz closed the door behind him and quickly glanced at Yan Suizhi, "What happened to this intern? It only took him an hour. Come back home?"

Gu Yan gently threw the document aside, and the holographic page automatically returned to its original position.

"I said I was not suitable for taking interns."


One of Yan Sui was taken aback.

He thought that Gu Yan would just throw out what he did just now. But he thought about it carefully. Gu Yan seemed to be like this before. He didn't explain too much about anything, and he rarely talked to the third person about who did what caused it, so what did he do... Even if the reason is extremely legitimate.

This is almost contrary to what the court focuses on. I don't know if it is an alternative occupational disease. Some people who work as lawyers will become more and more eloquent in their private lives, and the evidence will be endless. He did well, completely the other way around.

When Gu Yan spoke, he didn't even look at Yan Sui's eye, as if he had already seen enough of the frown before.

Fitz was not convinced by those words: "But Adams succeeded in persuading you an hour ago? You read the intern's file and agreed to him. He said that although you are reluctant, you also hurt him. In the end, I agreed. I didn't change a word of the original words."

Yan Suizhi was even more surprised.

Just his blank file, whoever reads it will think that this is a messy master, otherwise, how could other lawyers pick out an intern and leave him to Moll who is not present, afraid of giving it to himself. Add blocking.

With Gu Yan's character, he can nod his head even after reading that kind of file? Are you kidding me?

If he and Gu Yan had a good teacher-student relationship back then, he would definitely doubt if Gu Yan had recognized him before reluctantly to break it.

Unfortunately, the reality is that if Gu Yan really recognizes him, he might be blasted out of the office sooner, and he won't get a single salary for those three months.

Professor Yan University is very confident about this.

"I did agree back then," Gu Yan said, "but now I change my mind."

"But you will never go back about what you promised." Fitz said, "You never go back and say no."

"So now there is."


Fitz looked like his heel was about to break.

"The three-month salary is the compensation I made back and forth, let him go to Moer in half a month." Gu Yan said.

"Ah? What?" Fitz quickly blinked at Yan Suizhi, "Look for Moer?"

Gu Yan coldly replied from his nose: "Yeah."

"Looking for Moer?"


"Not to persuade you to leave?"


Although Gu Yan has responded to the Guangbrain news at will, and does not want to answer this kind of question at all, this kind of hard silence is another form of nodding.

Yan Suizhi couldn't understand this at all: He was so angry that he didn't want to look at me, but he didn't persuade him to leave? Even if you don't persuade you to leave, you actually pay back? Are you sleepwalking, this classmate?

"Gu, honestly I think you are weird today." Fitz said for Yan Suizhi.

Of course only this sentence, because Fitz said with a smile in the next second: "But it's very likable! It would be difficult to really persuade me to withdraw. After all, we have an agreement with Metz University. A lot of documents, I was a little dizzy recently, seeing the documents hurts my heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys."

Attorney Gu, who had said every sentence for a long time, finally replied, "I am dizzy as an intern."

Fitz: "..."

Yan Suizhi: "..."

"Well, no matter how you are today, you are full of human touch." Fitz praised people without reason, "Surely Ruan feels the same way?"

Then she turned to look at Yan Suizhi.

Ruan? Who?

Professor Yanda smiled and stared at her for five seconds.

In these five seconds, the entire office was filled with suffocating silence. Fitz's high heels are about to break again.

Five seconds later, Yan Suizhi finally remembered that the pseudonym that someone had given to him-Ruan Ye.

Ruan, Ye, call any word alone...

Yan Suizhi automatically replaced "Ruan" and said, "I said a lot of inappropriate things in the previous hour. I'm so sorry, so I'm not embarrassed to speak anymore."

"It doesn't matter, newcomers will always make some small mistakes. It's weird not to make them..."

Miss Fitz talked a lot about negligence and forgiveness, as if in a huge circle. In the end, even Gu Yan, who was looking at the file by himself, couldn't listen anymore. He raised his eyes and said, "So when do you transfer this intern to Moore?"

Fitz coughed, "I went around a lot just to talk about it."


"Can't turn."


"My hand is faster. His registration card has gone through and all the procedures have been hung under your name. The Lawyers Association has reviewed it and can't transfer it." Fitz glanced at him.

Gu Yan: "So you didn't accomplish anything I said?"

"No, I actually did the same thing." Fitz said, "I applied for the salary advance."

As soon as he finished speaking, Yan Suizhi's asset card popped up with a "ding" message.

It's hard to die, this smart phone hasn't been adjusted in his hands for a few days, and it is still the default mode. So I heard a clear Lingling electronically synthesized voice and said clearly--

Receive payment 4680 West

Type: salary advance

Source account: Gu Yan, office asset card

Operator: Irene Fitz

Balance: 5022 West

Yan Suizhi: "..."

It can only be said that the efficiency of the Southern Cross Law Firm is terribly high at this time.

Did you pay for it without asking about the situation?

It was Gu Yan's money.

The office fell into dead silence again, and it was difficult for a while to say which sentence in this information prompt was more confusing.

After a while, Fitz turned his head and looked at Yan Suizhi with an incredulous look: "If you don't advance your salary, your balance of assets is only more than 300 West? How can you live?"

Even Gu Yan, who never looked at him, turned his gaze.

Yan Suizhi shrugged and smiled indifferently: "Fortunately, reality is not if."

Perhaps his balance was too terrible, which shocked Gu Yan. This noisy "persuade" incident in the morning ended up so utterly. Yan Suizhi officially settled in Lawyer Gu's office, and was acknowledged and acquiesced by the owner of the office.

Gu Yan ignored him and was so busy that he took the time to contact an administrative assistant downstairs to explain something, and then left the office after picking up the newsletter. The case data files of the last five years were packaged and passed to Yan Suizhi.

This is probably the initial task that all interns will receive-organizing files. Yan Suizhi also sent this job to others back then, of course he is no stranger. To be honest, this kind of work is heavy, boring and blind, very boring.

But Yan Suizhi was very pleased. Why did he enter the Southern Cross Law Office as an intern because of this work that no one can avoid. In this way, he can openly view the various details involved before and after the "bombing."

Yan Suizhi's optical brain vomited holographic pages for more than an hour, and he vomited until lunch time. The holographic documents were high enough to bury him alive with his entire desk before smart folding.

In the end, it was another intern, Locke. Oh, it was the golden retriever who came to ask him if he could eat. That light brain completely closed his mouth.

"My God, so many?" Locke sighed, "Is all the cases handled by Lawyer Gu?"

"I don't know, I haven't read it carefully yet." Yan Suizhi folds the documents, and the stacks of documents are instantly pressed into a thin flat surface, which is no longer so oppressive.

"Too simulation is not good," Locke said. "Did you say when you can finish it? Why are you so happy?"

Because I can finally take a look at my specific "cause of death".

However, Locke might be afraid of saying this, so Yan Suizhi thoughtfully ridiculed a reason: "Because I can finally eat something."

He and Locke ran into several other interns when they went out, and several of them found a restaurant near the law firm.

"Cherish the rare days when you can eat well." The girl named Felida laughed and said, "I won't have to take the initiative to lose weight when I get busy in the future."

After saying this, another intern Anna looked at Yan Suizhi: "Ruan? Why do you eat less than the two of us?"

Yan Suizhi has a problem that lawyers often have-a poor stomach. This problem is rather annoying. It is not a big deal. It really takes the stomach out and replaces it with a new one without any risk of life. It can be said that it is not small. After all, the stomach cannot always be changed, but you have to eat every day, and you have to pay attention to every meal, so as not to eat unpleasantly.

Yan Suizhi had to pay more attention recently, because he hadn't eaten normally for half a year and couldn't eat too much for a while.

But he didn't like to talk about these minor illnesses, so he just swallowed the food unhurriedly, took a sip of warm water, and smiled at them: "I have to face so many files when I go back, so it's not advisable to eat more."

Will vomit.

Locke, who was eating the second portion, choked on his throat with a mouthful of pasta, turned his head and coughed into a fool.

Halfway through lunch, Yan Suizhi suddenly received a message.

From the apartment where he lives. The person who saved him rented the apartment with his fake identity and smart phone communication number, leaving no trace of himself.

The content of the message was very short, with only two sentences. Yan Suizhi felt that it was difficult to eat after only one glance—then the apartment informed him that the lease term would end tomorrow. If he needs to continue living, he needs to pay the rent in advance.

Every six months.


Professor Yan University was so worried about money for the first time in so many years. He felt that he was already nauseous before reading the dossier.

The message also said that a communication will be sent later to give him a voice confirmation.

Five minutes later, Yan Suizhi suddenly received a communication with a number he did not recognize. I think it must be from the apartment.

He connected to the communication and smiled directly and said: "Sorry, the apartment will not be renewed."

No money, rent a fart.

The communication end was silent for a few seconds, and the communication was cut off without saying a word.

"..." Yan Sui was confused. The general apartment service communication does not have this attitude, right? ? ?