Chapter 8

"Isn't it?" Gu Yan said.

Yan Suizhi answered in his heart: Truly, truth be told.

In any case, the drivel has begun to babble. This individual saved an opportunity to make up garbage, and he nearly opened his mouth: "I didn't appear to state that this is the first occasion when I have come into contact with this sort of thing, right?"

Gu Yan took a gander at him.

Yan Suizhi started to talk: "My dad is likewise an attorney, and he has an excessive number of contacts with him. A couple of times he conversed with individuals in the examination without ear catches, and I inadvertently heard him. It was multiple times more exceptional than this. I've heard it all. At the point when I heard it unexpectedly, I was youthful and stunned. At that point I heard it once more, and that is what occurred."

Educator Yan College is knowledgeable in the quintessence of garbage, and can't be excessively explicit. Just individuals who realize they are beguiling can cause a significant conversation to persuade the other party and intentionally depict some persuading subtleties.

This is called 300 taels without silver here, and a feeling of remorse.

When discussing things in genuine casual banter, except if you are in a temperament, you will simply clarify it nonchalantly and regardless of whether you have referenced it. Since it's coming clean, I don't stress over if the other party trusts it.

After he completed the process of speaking, Yu Guang looked at Gu Yan's face.

I didn't see it obviously, in any case, I didn't gaze at him with any "exploratory infiltrating look", and he didn't stop his means. It appears to be that he just asked nonchalantly and tuned in to the clarification.

"Did you cry?" Gu Yan out of nowhere came up sooner or later.

Yan Suizhi: "???"

"I stated, did you hear those terrified crying when you were youthful?" Gu Yan asked tepidly.

Yan Suizhi: "..."

This colleague, you turn your head and take a gander at me and state, who did you say is crying?

Clearly, in any case, Attorney Gu just scorned the expression "when he was a youngster" again across time, and didn't intend to sit tight for him to answer truly.

At the point when he recuperated, Gu Yan was at that point two strides in front of him.

Yet, it was correctly the inquiry quite recently that made Yan Suizhi, who had gotten acquainted with easygoing, understand that he may be excessively oblivious of concealing. Indeed, he didn't stress over whatever else, then again, actually he was unable to bear the disgrace.

Particularly embarrassed before his understudies.

The Justice's Court in Jiucheng is near the confinement community, just a ten-minute walk.

The Judge's Court is the most essential court. It handles different insignificant and chaotic techniques and cases each day. It isn't as grave and peaceful the same number of individuals envision, and now and again even out of the blue problematic, for example, where bail is applied for.

Yan Suizhi was not here unexpectedly, yet every opportunity he came, he needed to murmur with feeling that the public examiners in Jiucheng have buckled down, and it required 800 years of blood form to be organized here.

Numerous individuals accumulated in little gatherings in the corridor, untidy, holographic reproduction papers all over.

"I appear to have entered a poultry farm..." Yan Suizhi gave a dry snicker, and just inclined toward the entryway for relaxation, with a fair appearance, "I will deal with my obligation as an understudy this time. The educator's position is up, how about we go."

Gu Yan: "..."

He likewise burned through 800 lifetimes of blood shape prior to being alloted to this understudy.

Standing two stages away, Gu Yan put his hands in the pockets of the sheep's jacket, his back was straight, and he saw somebody inclining toward the entryway with his half-hanging eyelids. After a snapshot of quiet, he said casually: I'm not reminding you, it happens that the understudies ought to accomplish something like presenting a bail application."

As he stated, he lifted his jawline into the entryway, "Proceed to keep your obligation."

Yan Suizhi hit the understudy with his nose all over in his heart, however favored his face, stood up quietly, turned his head and strolled in the entryway.

The unexpected noisy commotion hit him in the face.

He turned sideways and let the individuals who had been hunkering around to sign, stroll to the edge of the high stage.

Remaining behind the stage is a youngster in proper garments. As a rule, such things are finished by youngsters who have quite recently entered the court. She looked at Yan Sui, at that point reflexively tapped the Guangbrain virtual key before her, "Apply for bail?"

"Indeed, Joshua Dall, Cold Lake Confinement Center, was blamed for theft."

The woman followed the message he had stated, tapped a couple of virtual keys, and affirmed once more, "Dal...14 years old?"


"Get the application structure."

After she got done with speaking, Guangmin let out a page. The structure on the page unmistakably indicated Joshua Dall's own data. Coming up next is the bound together application language.

To the extent the collusion's present companion guidelines are concerned, bail itself shouldn't be applied for. All things considered, the commentator steps up to the plate and affirm whether a suspect ought to apply bail. Just when the analyst feels that it ought not be pertinent, the legal counselor is needed to apply for it, and afterward the court will organize the conference around the same time or the following day as per the request for application.

Along these lines, the way toward presenting an application is incredibly straightforward. By and large, understudies like to do it, so there is no compelling reason to stress over it.

Yan Suizhi looked at Joshua Dall's message beginning to end, gestured and stated, "Truth be told."

"At that point simply sign it." The woman highlighted the table where the groups accumulated in front, "There is an electronic pen there, or you can compose straightforwardly with your fingers."

One of Yan Sui saw the gathering of individuals with his head huge, grinned and stated, "I'll actually utilize my hands."

The youngster laughed, "You appear as though you just graduated, assistant?"

"Definitely." Yan Suizhi reacted.

"Awesome, in any event I can go around. I am additionally an understudy, and I have been remaining here for nearly 30 days." The young lady remained here for a month and didn't step up and visit with anybody. Out of nowhere The longing for a little talk is presumably from Yan Gou's intuition.

Yan Suizhi raised his eyes and grinned, "What about before this? I coordinated the records for a month?"

"how would you know?"

"I additionally rehearsed in the court quite a while past."

"Quite a while past?" The youngster was somewhat confounded.

"Better believe it." Without raising his head, he addressed nonchalantly, lifting his hand to sign, and the strokes were flying and moving.

However, after moving twice, he abruptly stopped, and quietly requested an abrogation.

"How to repudiate it?"

Since practically marked "Yan Suizhi"...

He grinned and stated: "The composing is monstrous." At that point he composed the words Ruan Ye genuinely and decided to affirm the accommodation.


Yan Suizhi raised his eyes and said to the woman remaining behind the high stage, "Bless your heart."

"Farewell." She grinned.

"I advise you as an individual here, one month from now you will have the option to accomplish something genuine." Yan Suizhi said and waved his hand, at that point turned his head and went out.

At the point when he went out, Gu Yan was at that point somewhat eager. Obviously, he can't tell from his demeanor alone.

"How about we go." Yan Suizhi inclined his head, "Feel free to see the outcome."

Gu Yan highlighted the holographic screen and said reverently: "Ruan Ye, you marked the two characters for five minutes."

Yan Suizhi caused a commotion, "In light of the fact that the name isn't anything but difficult to compose, it was terrible the first run through."

Gu Yan said detachedly: "A mark is still revolting after over 20 years, so don't accuse the words."

Yan Suizhi: "?"

Who is revolting?

He needed to put the mark outlined by the graduate school onto the understudy's face.

The enormous showcase board in the front corridor of the court scrolls different data in segments. The section in the lower left corner is the ideal opportunity for the knowing about the bail application.

After Yan Suizhi and Gu Yan stood by under five minutes, Joshua Dale got out.

"Tomorrow at 10 AM." Yan Suizhi stated, "It's alright. It's not very near noon, so the appointed authority won't be resentful about craving."

"All things considered, how about we go."

After the two emerged from the court, they halted another vehicle out and about.

The driver didn't talk a lot of this time, however he looked somewhat savage along these lines.

There are very few equal streets in Jiucheng, so the drivers here consistently prefer to step on the quickening agent first and afterward ask the objective. At the point when the driver spoke, Yan Suizhi comprehended why he didn't care for talking.

Since his voice was so awkward, it was moronic as though he had a significant piece of coarseness.

"Where to go." The driver asked quickly.

"Kale Road." Gu Yan focused in on the guide on the cell phone and said.

There are many dark vehicles on the ground in Jiucheng, and not many of them are under management by any means, so you can't find a vehicle arrangement. You need to take a gander at the guide to discover the road name when you return.

Yan Suizhi knows this put on Cabbage Road. On the off chance that there are regions where they can scarcely live in the city where they live, there is just Cabbage Road, where there are a couple of inns that don't appear to be inhuman.

Gu Yan is clearly likewise experienced, and he presumably reserved a convenience there.

Yan Suizhi was correct.

The spot Gu Yan booked was a very good quality lodging called Yincha... The very good quality lodging inside the wine city can be interpreted as "non-dark shop".

That is it.

At the point when the two remained at the front work area of the inn, it was a youngster who was responsible for enrollment.

The person with braids, a column of ear studs and a lip stud. He looked at Yan Suizhi and the others, thought to and fro without bashfulness, and afterward chuckled like the principal driver.

Gu Yan has consistently respected this weird conduct of others as non-existent. His face stayed unaltered, however he raised his eyelids and looked at the man, and said briskly: "There is an arrangement."

Luckily, the youngster was more familiar than the past driver, and he could improve without referencing the detainment community sickness. He gestured, changed his more genuine appearance, and said to Gu Yan: "Report the correspondence number."

Gu Yan stated, "1971182."

"OK, I'll register, stand by a moment." The youngster tossed a candy in his mouth, enigmatically.

Yan Suizhi stopped for some time before unexpectedly "murmur ".

"What?" Gu Yan glared and looked at him, "toothache?"

Yan Suizhi's forehead wrinkled further than him: "What's your correspondence number??? You report it again???"