Chapter 10

What is there to inquire as to why.

Yan Suizhi took a gander at the holographic screen and said to his heart, this youngster, that you know nothing about reality. In the event that I need to stress over even this sort of mimicked court banter among assistants, at that point I can essentially get together and plan for retirement. furthermore, …

He didn't actually come to work for this unfortunate law office.

When the data on the bombarding case is accessible, he can take the abdication application to cohort Gu's work area and leave. What are you stressed over?

Seeing that he hadn't reacted for quite a while, Henry couldn't keep down once more.

Henry: Would you say you are humiliated to ask excessively? It doesn't make a difference, I don't mean whatever else, I'm apprehensive you are not intellectually arranged.

Ruan Ye: Bless your heart.

Henry: I asked from a few seniors and seniors. They said that legal advisor Gu's scores are startling and unsympathetic, and the closer you are to him, the higher his necessities, so high that you can question your life. I heard that there was an understudy who had a relationship with him. I felt that somebody would come here to cover him. Who realized that Legal counselor Gu didn't acknowledge understudies, and this endured a flood of blows. Afterward, the man was a little messy in anticipation of the underlying appraisal. He felt stunning instruction in the fake court banter. He lifted his jawline up and cried. Attempt to suppose it were his own understudy...

Everybody: apprehensive.

Locke: This style helps me to remember an individual.

Anna: I as well...

Henry: Senior member...

Henry: The previous senior member.

Anna: Isn't Attorney Gu instructed by the senior member?

Yan Suizhi, who had to show up on the scene without saying a word, felt violated your legal counselor Gu's temper is totally common, don't depend on me. He sets out to do this to me, will I show him this?

Anna: There is as yet a distinction. The dignitary during the non-restriction evaluation will in any event grin, and consistently grin, and resembles a sort and exquisite individual. Attorney Gu, has he snickered?

Anna: No.

Henry: You go to see the audit aftereffects of the past two years, quiet down and state whether the senior member is thoughtful. Truth be told, I have consistently asked why each time the Dignitary of the period can score so high.

Anna: What? What number of focuses did you give him previously?

Henry: ...100.

Anna: Haha.

Felida: Alright, a masochist from a foundation.

Yan Suizhi: "..."

Locke: Ruan Ye, why not talk?

Henry: Terrified to cry?

Yan Suizhi: "..." The two 200 and 51 sings together are very inferred.

Notwithstanding, this sort of gathering visit content is very new to Yan Suizhi. He hasn't seen this sort of unadulterated understudy style talk in numerous years. The last time he got confounded was the point at which he just graduated.

He didn't go along with, he just viewed the show and watched the side of his mouth for some time prior to taking care of the holographic screen.

"Sir, do you need anything?" The carefully cosmetics assistant approached him with the perfect time.

Yan Suizhi selected two shirts in a natural way, and was going to pivot when he heard a low, passionate voice sounded behind him: "What are you doing here?"

He turned his head viciously, saw Gu Yan's face, and stated, "What are you doing guilefully behind? Startle me!"

Attorney Gu, who strolled into the shop transparently, stated, "...Are you a criminal here?"

"..." Fart you.

"Why not be so terrified of being a cheat?" Gu Yan said gently.

Yan Suizhi nearly feigned exacerbation, he lifted his jaw, "I didn't find you, how could you discover me?"

"Get off the vehicle on the contrary side and just saw it." Gu Yan looked at the two shirts in his grasp and asked in a strange tone, "Would you say you are certain you didn't go to some unacceptable store?"

"Obviously not." Yan Suizhixin said that the vast majority of my shirts are of this brand, how is it possible that it would not be right.

"Don't you know the cost of this shirt?" Gu Yan said apathetically, "I recommend you investigate your resource card first."

Yan Suizhi's body turned out to be firm.

Gu Yan wounded him matter-of-factly: "5022 West, recollect?"

Yan Suizhi: "..."


"It is important to help you that this sort to remember thing is excluded from the repayment for work excursions." Gu Yan said once more, "You can't be so eccentric, right?"

Yan Suizhi contacted the tip of his nose and gradually humiliated him, intending to return the two shirts. Accordingly, prior to connecting, Gu Yan was cut off by Gu Yan.

He conveyed the shirt in his grasp and looked quickly, at that point lifted his eyelids to take a gander at Yan Suizhi: "On the off chance that I recall accurately, you were educated regarding the time held for pressing your gear when you were on a work excursion, however you were with practically nothing. May I mention to you what in heaven's name do you think?"

Yan Suizhi chuckled dryly, "What do you think? I'm so poor with no other garments, where would i be able to get my gear?"

Gu Yan: "..."

"Blood form was poured down previously, and where I lived was taken." Yan Suizhi started to talk, "The hoodlum returned home with mischievousness, so he nearly taken me and sold me for cash, or probably I would be so poor? 5022 West ,Ah!"

He giggled at himself as he talked, and he was enthusiastic in the event that he didn't utter a word else. All things considered, he turned into a poor person when he woke up, and he was practically taken.

Gu Yan grimaced and took a gander at him here and there a few times, however he didn't appear to discover any imperfections in his demeanor. Eventually, he thought back and didn't have the foggiest idea what to think.

Yan Suizhi effectively recommended: "How about we go, change another. It's not hard to locate a modest shirt shop in the wine city. I saw one a few seconds ago. It's in the city in front."

"On the off chance that I comprehend you accurately, you ought to allude the shop on the corner that is going to come up short." Gu Yan stated, "Are you certain you are wearing that shirt. Do you dare to remain in court?"

It truly does. Yan Sui's heart said that after such countless years, there is no compelling reason to depend on garments to help his energy.

In any case, this answer clearly doesn't fit the brain science of an ordinary understudy.

He was somewhat vulnerable: "This isn't OK, that is alright, how would it be a good idea for me to respond?"

Gu Yan raised his eyelids and looked at him, and left without saying a word, holding the two shirts.

Yan Suizhi frowned at his back, and said to his heart how are you doing your shirt? You won't take some unacceptable medication and pay for me, isn't that so?

After two seconds, his demeanor appeared to have seen an apparition...

Since Gu Yan truly took some unacceptable medication and paid...

One more hour later, Yan Suizhi, who got back to the lodging, remained in Gu Yan's room, taken a gander at a bag opened by the bed, and raised his voice marginally: "What did you say?"

"Try not to take a gander at those two new shirts, it has nothing to do with you." Gu Yan said.

Yan Suizhi: "..."

Gu Yan highlighted a dark robe in the bag, "You will put this on tomorrow."

The dark robe is excessively recognizable to Yan Suizhi. It is a legal counselor's robe hand-cut in a high fashion shop. The stitch and sleeves are weaved with calm and consistent examples. The substance of the example is bound together across the group and speaks to The incomparability of the law.

This sort of attorney's outfit isn't something that anybody with cash can purchase. You need to hold a modified request stepped by the collusion to be qualified to make an arrangement for estimation.

Obviously, I actually need cash...

Also, it's over the top expensive.

There are three such attorneys' robe Yan Suizhi, one more for each level advanced. The last one appears to be somewhat unique from Gu Yan's. There is one more brilliant award of tobacco-restrictive to top notch legal counselors.

Be that as it may, this isn't the point. The fact is...

"Tomorrow? You mean the bail hearing? For what reason should I wear this?" Yan Sui looked puzzled, "I won't be on the protection seat."

He is a learner legal counselor, doesn't he simply have to sit behind and listen calmly?

Startlingly, Gu Yan gazed at him for some time, at that point dismissed, and keeping in mind that taking care of the recently purchased shirt, he said gently: "Wrong. Go on, I'll sit in the back."

For a second, Yan Suizhi's eyelids bounced in shock. He saw Gu Yan's profile and asked, "I'm not catching your meaning by this?"