Chapter Thirteen: Return

It's cold in here. Wet and damp. Where am I? Am I asleep? Am I awake? No wait, I am dead, that's right. Standing up, Grimm was cover in blood. Looking around, the endless dark void was all he could see, but looking down and around the rest of the ground, he could see that it was all blood. The afterlife, still my other home seeing how much I come to it. Walking forward, he struggled to walk through the sea of blood, like water, but it came from the dead. Turning around now, Grimm could see a staircase. Maybe he's up their this time around. Going up the staircase now, the blood all on Grimm began to come off now, like being vaporized by heat, but he felt nothing. Reaching the top of the staircase, was just a throne, perched on a pile of bodies, some torn, others, just mere skeletons. On the throne, their he sat, Grim.

"Grimm!" He threw his arms up and ran to Grimm, trampling down the hill of the dead. Reaching him, he gave Grimm a big ol hug.

Grimm threw him aside, "Why must you exist," he looked down at Grim.

"Do you not enjoy my presence," he launches back up, "I mean, Arya did."

Grimm glanced away, "So when can you let me come back to the land of the living," Grimm crossed his arms.

Grim opened a portal to his side, "I don't like you either," Grim went back up into his throne, "Remember, forget me and you'll be the strongest."

Grimm raised an eyebrow, "Why do you always say this to me?"

He walked to Grimm and smacked his cheek.

"Was I suppose to feel something?"

Grim took a step back, "Have you never wondered how does this curse work? You think it's if you ever marry, but, but why is this curse you?"

Grimm looked down now, "I guess you have a point," he looked up to see Grim was now gone. All these years, I was cursed to be immortal and mentally ill, I see this now. Understanding what Grim told him, he sees now that his curse, is more of a weapon. Walking through the portal, Grimm kissed his alternate personality gone, and he disappeared into the void.

Hours later....

Opening his eyes, Grimm rolled slightly to the right and he saw a blurry figure. Examining himself, he sees that he had been wrapped up. Looking at the figure, they came walking over and they got on their knees and looked into Grimms eyes.

"Hey, ya awake," the man was waving his hand at Grimm.

Getting a better look at the man, Grimm saw the individual was of the Grass-Folk clan. "Who are you?"

The man blinked it showed of his blood red pupils.

Grimm looked at his green skinned paired with his dark green hair. His clothing was made of leaves held by vines and roots.

"Oh sorry, I'm suppose to respond aren't I? Names Puer Viridis, but seeing as this is a tongue twister, call me Puer." He helped Grimm sit up.

Grimm had quickly sat up, "Sorry, not to be rude, but I must go," Grimm went to fix his cloak, but remembered he didn't have it on him.

Puer stood beside Grimm, "Lemme go with," he said as if he were a small child.

"Where I'm going and doing,is dangerous and can lead to death," Grimm began to walk but realized he didn't know where he was going.

"I can fight! And and I've been stuck here, no personal goal, my group has been killed, let me tag along with you," he grasped onto his arm.

Grimm wanted to brush him aside, tell him to not follow, but he just couldn't. "Alright fine, but you better not hesitate to kill," Grimm pointed a finger.

The man slapped Grimms back, "I promise you I won't disappoint," Puer grabbed Grimms arm and pulled him to the exit.

Hours later, traversing through the forest the two, they heard gunfire.

"What's that noise?"

Grimm closed his eyes, "An ally of mine is in danger," Grimm could sense Aryas Aura with two others of in the clearing.

"What else can you sense?"

His veins became very apparent, like if they were about to pop out of him. Straining his body to get used to his powers again, he could see now. Taking big breathes, Puer looked at him. "Many, many dwarves with a newly designed weapon. They're barraging them, like if those weapons shoot smaller cannon fodder."

Puer raised his hands, "I'm ready to take 'em on with you!"

Grimm pat his head, since he was taller by an inch or two. "Promise me you'll follow my lead."

Puer nodded.

Going to the clearing, they peaked through the bushes and saw an armada of dwarves shooting at a vine wall, think to block most physical damage. Looking, these new projectiles were taking time, but slowly getting through.

"Ok heres the plan," Grimm leaned in and whispered into Puers ear.

Running out into the opening, Grimm had his Sycthe to his side. The dwarves started firing at him.

With the bullets get close, vines sprouted up and blocked the bullets, while Grimm got up close and chopped the dwarves up.

While dodging the bullets, Grimm began chanting a spell. "Blood Enhancement," all of a sudden, Grimm had blood pouring out his body, and where he moved his left hand to attack, they did as ordered, killing some dwarves too. After killing these dwarves, survivors had ran or hid, he paid no mind.

Puer had emerged from the bushes and went beside Grimm, "They're in their?" He pointed to the hole filled vines.

Grimm nodded. Walking up too it, the vines began to lower, and he saw three individuals.