Chapter Fifteen: A Time To Rest

The two have reached the cabin. Upon the front, the first thing Arya noticed, was the door. Completely tore off. Trudging along inside, hey were meet by a ruined walk-in. The cabin wasnt to large, the bottom floor consisted of a living room, kitchen and walk-in, where they stood, and the second floor consisted of the bedroom and a guest room. The walk-in had nothing really in it, just a trashed, sacked look to it. Whoever orginally lived here, must've been robbed. Dragging the 'immobilized' Grimm upstairs, his legs banging against the stairs, she took him to the master bedroom door. Opening it, the door made a creaking noise the whole time, before just falling off the hinges. Arya sighed, Maybe I should've left Grimm, she thought, while tossing him into the bed. Suprisingly it stood, must've been built sturdy to last, like an oak tree in the wild. Going to the closet, she saw it was filled with human wear. Unlike elves, human clothing was more patched up, elvish clothing along the sleeves would be partially opened. So humans resided here, makes sense. She found no blanket. Looking back at Grimm, he was out cold, must've finally calmed down. Seeing as he was asleep, she decided to use this time to explore the cabin, see what she could find. Going back downstairs, Arya began to go around and open the windows. Wind blew the curtains, some flew off the log walls. Arya sighed. As she walked into the sit-in, she saw that humans had it set up with two chairs in the room, fireplace in middle against the wall, and a table rested in between it all. Seeing no blankets, Arya walked towards the fireplace, and placed her palm against the stone chimney, she felt magic imbued into it. Whatever human ever lived here before must've been able to use magic. Seems to be that this magic allows the heat from the fire traverse through the whole cabin. Crouching down, Arya saw some would in the fireplace already, she just needed to start it. Looking at it, she remembers that she doesn't know how to start a fire. Standing back up, Arya had decided to see what was left in the kitchen. Going in, it was completely trashed and sacked. Fuck. After successfully finding no blanket or any old food, she made a trip back upstairs, creaked open the master bedroom door, and gazed at Grimm. He was sound asleep. Walking over to him, she took the cloak off, that she gave to him, and put it over his bloodied body. He killed those dwarves for me, he can't be as bad as he may think. "Sleep tight, my sinful knight," she whispered in his ear. Turning back to the door, Arya went downstairs, to the unhinged door, and saw as the sun was setting, "Guess if moldy food doesn't exist, I'll hunt instead."

Arya had posted herself in a tree. In her arms, was a bow made if light magic, her magic. A spell her mother taught her once, actually, Arya remembered her mother chanting the words, Arya just copied. Below her, was a trap set. Allie, Arya's familiar laid on a grass bed, which if any creature stepped on, would fall into a pit if spikes. Normally any creature could set off this trap her dad used many times, but as Arya's familiar, she can also float, with some of Arya's mana of course.

Noise came from a nearby bush. The leaves being rummaged through. Arya placed her right palm against the tree, keeping her left tightly grasped on the bow. "Dark Senses," she whispered to herself. Although born and raised to use light magic, Arya had learned dark magic as well. Using this spell, she could stalk people in her nearby vicinity, animals too. The spell had made an imagine that imprints in her mind, allowing her to see how big the target is, and where it stood and went.

It roughly stood as large as a boar, its tracks weren't humans, but hooves like a pig, but this animal was wild. Poking it's head out the shrubby, Arya looked around the tree and now could see it be, and there it stood, a boar.

It charged at Allie, but before impact, Allie swept up like dust being blown away, right into Arya's palm, "God I love familiar magic," she exclaimed as the boar fell. Climbing down and looking down the pit, she saw the boar, impaled by the spikes. "Not the best way to secure dinner, but I sure don't know how to hunt, and I rather not starve." Hoisting the lifeless corpse of the boar over her shoulder, Arya looked around, "Sure gets dark out here," walking forward, she took careful steps, since her vision was alluded to her.

Finally she made it back near the cabin, leaving a trail so she could follow back. As she grew near, she began to sprint somewhat. Getting back, the door was still lying their. Going inside, she took the boar to the kitchen, tossed it on, and begun skinning it. Cutting down the middle of it's stomach, she made precise cuts with her dagger, eventually pealing off the coat of the boar.

After an hour of cutting an cooking the boar, it was roasted over the fireplace to perfection, not so useless after all. Taking a plate upstairs of a hind leg from the boar, she walked in to see Grimm sitting up. "You're awake!"

He looked at, "What happened?"

" had a mental breakdown, called yourself a menace...I took you here to rest up an-"

"Did I really?"

She looked at his eyes, he genuinely looked confused. Biting her bottom lip, she walked over to him, put the plate on the dresser, and sat beside him. "Grimm," she said softly, "What happens when you die?"

What he said and done the previous day came back to him. Looking down at his hands clamped in a fist, his body started to tremble, but in sight of this, Arya wrapped her hands around his, pulling them in. He took a deep breath. "When one dies, they're taking to a world between life and death. Most cases, you'd be able to go farther, but since I always comeback, I don't know what truely happens after death either. What I do know, is when I die, I talk to the other me who brings me back."

"But you said he wasn't real, what was that about?"

"After conversating with him, I found out that my whole lifes a lie...I've never married and had children, the other Grim never existed, those were all pieces of my memory being altered. The other Grim was just my alter-ego."

Arya rubbed her thumbs against his fist. "Look..," she moves closer, "On that day, when you fled with me, trusted me, I didn't feel alone anymore," she takes a pause..she was crying now.

Grimm, felt very dumb. He know's now he had family, Oswald his brother, a memory that came back, he was never married, something altered amongst his first death. Moving his hands from a fist, he went in, and hugged Arya. "I'm sorry to make you cry and feel this way," he stroked her hair, "How about you rest? I think you need it."

Arya crawled in the bed, and buried her face in the pillow.

Grimm grabbed the plate, took the boar leg, and left the room.

Arya was snoring.