Genesis; the origin or mode of formation of something.
Panda's Bomb
As much as bear enjoyed the on and off spontaneous conversations he had with panda, he always felt abit awkward and worried. Furthermore, panda was more often than not the one who tend to initiate conversation. Bear was just wondering to himself why, of all people panda kept contacting him. Although, yes the finance related topics were relevant to him and gave bear an advantage over other people in conversing with panda. Bear felt comfortable talking to panda and he felt to a certain extent panda felt the same way too. Especially when panda and bear discussed about savings and declared how much savings they had to one another. That was weird but as long as bear get to chat with panda, bear was all up for it. The year was 2020 A.D. 16th of August 2020 to be exact. Panda, out of the blue texted bear about some guy wanting to get to know her by slipping into her direct message on Instagram.
"Wei firdaus"
"Ada satu org lelaki add aku dlm ig" (bear was like, so what?)
"Aku malas nk layan dia" (okay then don't layman la why must tell me *facepalm*)
"Like tu ari dia add aku. I usually if guy add me i will add stalk dia dulu baru decide if nk accept uh" (lol stalker)
"So dat time dia ckp qad lah.. like assalammualaikum i how you don't mind add me"
At this point bear replied, "Haha. Kau lawa"
- Pause -
Anytime bear praises panda for her looks, he meant it. Even though he knows she is already attached.
- Back to the tale of Bear & Panda -
"Ni i think i restrict dia ah? Tak baik eh aku?" *Referring to the screenshot of the direct message from the guy on instagram*"
"Aku mcm nk block dia ada uh.. but he will know ah"
"I mean i don't mind accepting but if i err tk reply diam aje ah..?"
"Hehe sry to all the other guys whom i don't know"
"I mean friend gitu.. i tk interested nk berkenalan dgn lelaki. Sry ah Hehe"
"Mane tau dia jodoh aku? Haha mcm phm.. ee tknk 🤭😝"
"Mane tau dia jodoh aku?" - This took bear by a huge surprise. Bear thought to himself, why would she say that? She's engaged. She has found her jodoh.. hasn't she??
Bear, confused, ask panda if she was still with her fiancé. Panda replied that they have separated since February this year. Panda immediately said she'll continue chatting later as she is at work. Panda just dropped a bomb on bear. Bear had plenty of time to think about her marital status. This is the opportunity bear has been waiting for so long. But bear, was contemplating. Is it too late now for them to venture into a serious relationship? If bear even had an ounce of chance at winning panda's heart, he would have. But bear have come to terms that panda isn't her rizq as he had no chance at tackling her. Having said all these. He's here now. Bear is in the position he wished he was in 6 years ago. Bear never waited for panda as he thought he had lost her to his acquaintance - but he already lost her twice anyway. Bear, still single at the time thought this is the opportunity he never had. the opportunity he dreamt of. But bear is apprehensive because he felt they have been friends for too long. Trying to go for her now would risk their friendship which he truly cherish. He liked having her as a friend but he would love to have her as his partner. These thoughts ran through his mind. Is it worth the try? Is it worth risking their 6 year long friendship? Would she even bother considering? Besides, she was with her ex for a good 2 years or so, has she really gotten over him? Is she ready to date new men? So many concerns. Bear ultimately decided not to pursue panda as he felt that she was out of reach for him.
Bear was greeted with a pleasant surprise when panda texted him back at night, after she had ended her work. Bear entertained panda by going along with the conversation, not trying to woo her. What was intended to "go along" ended up with bear assisting panda in seeing how it would look like not the guy's side if she restrict his access to her profile. Panda restricted bear, bear tried direct messaging panda. Bear tried commenting on panda's latest post to see what kind of restrictions are in place for someone with restricted access. It turns out, after much dabbling with Instagram, (sanggup eh so bear) someone with restricted access can't send a direct message and panda won't know he send her a direct message anyway. Furthermore, he would need panda's approval if he decided to comment on panda's posts. After they found out about how restrictions work, panda immediately made a transition (not so smooth. heh) to another topic - bear's new display picture on whatsapp. Panda said it is dahsyat. They both had a good laugh. Panda proceeded to make another not so smooth transition and said she carved for takoyaki. Bear was like, this conversation is going too far - but bear likes it. hehe. What started out as helping panda out with her guy problem has gone to food. But bear gladly layankan panda and he actually looked up for takoyaki online! Talk about love huh. But since bear has made the conscious decision not to go after panda, he wanted to end the conversation. He knew he had to be the one to pull the plug as he can tell panda is just too comfortable with the current conversation they're having. Bear tried to end it off by saying to her to go to sleep but apparently she's waiting for he popcorn chicken - something which bear would hear alot more often in the coming months. Bear replied saying that he too had late night meals after shifts back in the day and panda responded with "Haha I see I see".
Bear took this opportunity to not reply her and the conversation ended there. Bear admits, he liked it, alot but he cannot continue it. Bear went to sleep, with mixed emotions but satisfied with his actions.
Bear's Bomb
24 September 2020 A.D.
This was the very next text bear received from panda.