Chapter three- Sparks fly

"Why did you do that?" I half shout at Hannah.

After Hannah barged in, Brody excused himself pretty quickly, giving us no chance to talk.

"Hey, I was just shocked you had a boy here." Hannah exclaims.

"It wasn't what it looked like." I blush, what do I even have to blush at?

"Yeah of course it wasn't." Hannah winks. "You can tell me all about it after you tell me why you've been ignoring me?" Hannah says looking hurt.

"Look, Hannah, I'm sorry, I just didn't think anyone would be very happy with me after what happened with Dad, I know everyone thinks I'm the bad guy here." I say, hoping she doesn't hate me.

"Mel, how you could think that! I'm on your side 100% you know that, I never thought it was right that Dad forced you into the company and I'm so proud of you for finally doing something for yourself." And with that she wrapped me in a warm embrace.

I feel bad for ignoring Hannah now, she's always been there for me and we've been close since being kids despite our 4 year age difference. After a long catching up session, telling Hannah all about my new life and being a college student, she left to go home to Paul, but not before giving me a big hug and telling me she expects updates about Brody and for me to never ignore her again.

The weekend went by in a blur, the highlight of it being me singing my heart out to some Taylor Swift and eating cookie dough ice cream, I studied the same material I had been studying the previous week, just to be sure I was prepared for class, I'm determined to see this through, I really am enjoying college, I just need time to adjust. Now it's Monday morning and I'm dreading seeing Brody in my Psyc 101 class. I'm ready early so I decide that I'll go to the local coffee shop, coffee sounds good.

I order and find a small table to sit at, I'm sipping my cappuccino as I hear the chair across from me being pulled out, I glance up and see the dark hair, green eyes and perfectly chiselled face.

"Hey, Melanie." Brody says, with his signature smirk as he sits across from me.

"Hey, I'm really sorry about the other day, I had no idea-" I rush but Brody interrupts me.

"Don't worry about it, it's a funny story to tell." Brody cuts in, chuckling.

"So, I know something you don't." Brody smirks as he talks and I raise my eyebrow at him.

"Dr Jameson isn't in today, so class is cancelled."

"Oh great, so I got out of bed today for nothing." I pout. I'm really disappointed, I thought today would of been a good day for me, I was so prepared!

"I wouldn't say for nothing, let's go somewhere." He winks.

"What?" I almost choke on my coffee.

"Drink your coffee and let's go." That smirk is back.

Brody leads me out of the coffee shop and opens the passenger door of his car for me, a gray 2007 Honda Accord.

"Do you like it?" Brody asks as I'm studying the inside of the car as I sit in the passenger seat. I give him a nod and a small smile. It's a nice car but I don't know enough about cars to get into a full conversation about it.

"It was my brothers car." He says a little hesitantly.

"That's very nice of him to give you his car." I smile.

Brody gives me a small smile and I'm sure I see a flicker of hurt in his eyes but it's gone quicker than it appeared, I decide it would be best to change the subject.

"So, where are you taking me?" I grin.

We drive for what feels like forever, Brody giving me no hint about where we might be going, the car slows and we pull up at a beautiful, clear lake, surprisingly it seems like we are the only people here, I'm staring at the beautiful scenery as Brody gets out of the car, he goes to the trunk and pulls out a blanket and a picnic basket.

"So, you had this all planned out, huh?" I say raising my eyebrow as Brody sets up the picnic.

Brody glances at me winking, patting the blanket gesturing me to sit.

"Tell me about you." Says Brody.

"I'm Melanie Collins, I'm 21, I have 2 sisters and I never got to experience any of the normal things growing up because I was being prepped for my father's company, so I guess I'm a little boring. Tell me about you?"

"Woah, wait, what haven't you experienced?"

"Basically anything." I say a little embarrassed.

"Have you ever let loose a day in your life?" He asks.

"My life has always been pretty structured." I laugh.

Brody has a devilish look in his eyes. He stands and lifts his top over his head, I stare at his abs for longer than is probably acceptable.

"Wha- what are you doing?" I ask wide-eyed.

"I'm going jumping in the lake, you coming?" He winks as he takes his jeans off and quickly dives into the lake.

I stare in shock, still processing what just happened, Brody, no top, no jeans, in a lake. What is happening.

"Are you coming, Melanie Collins?" He winks as his head comes up from the water.

I do nothing but stare.

"Come on, let loose for once." Brody calls out.

That hits a nerve and before I know it, I'm taking my clothes off and standing in my underwear. I slowly walk to the edge of the lake and take a deep breath and I do as Brody says, I let loose. I jump into the lake and my breath is taken away by the cold water. Brody swims over to me and puts his hands on my hips.

"You okay?" He asks, staring into my eyes. All I can manage is a small nod. I can feel the heat radiating off of Brody's hands, even underwater. What is he doing to me.

He slowly moves his hands away and all of a sudden I have a big splash of water in my face, while Brody is laughing so much he can't breathe.I don't know what comes over me but before I can stop myself I'm dunking Brody's head under the water. I don't know what to expect when Brody pops his head back up, when he finally does come back up, he has a look on his face that I can't work out.

"I'm sorry, I..." I can't finish my sentence.

Brody comes closer to me, still holding that look. He brushes a hair out of my face and then slowly moves his hand to the back of my neck. My heart is nearly beating out of my chest as Brody leans towards me, I close my eyes just as Brody's lips collide with mine, It's a deep, passionate, longing kiss and we don't break away until we are both breathless.

"Wow." I breathe.

"Yeah, wow." Brody rasps as he leans in for the sparks to fly again.