HI GUYS! I'm having a second writer who will write when I'm not able to! This is her user and I'm so glad she is my bestie! helenmyfavmelon
Yes yes 👏 thank you so much for doing this! (Helen I changed ur user and Imma tell u why later! ) if u have anything to say when your writing this please write it below with ur name next to it! Love u bye!
Helen: I'm glad I have the best bestie! So much fun working with her she has some real talent 🥺👏👏💕💕
Diya: I'm lucky to have u! I'm so glad u are working with me I really need it. Stop bring yourself down! Your writing is amazing. I'm gonna say when her writing starts and you guys can be the judge of that. Byee! ❤️
Helen: Enjoy! Bye! 💎
—💚Sandra's POV—
I could hear everything when I was in a coma. I could hear Draco's pleads for me to wake up. His crying. All I wanted was to get up and hug him but I couldn't.
Then I started to open my eyes, well I tried but it never worked but this time it did! I woke and saw messy platinum hair. I knew it was Draco because who else has that hair colour that isn't a Malfoy?. I remembered everything that happened between me and Parkinson, it made my blood boil, but I immediately felt upset when I finally saw the state of him. His hair was so messy and he had tear stains baggy eyes. I let a tear roll down my face remembering Draco sobbing when I was in a coma and that I couldn't do anything about it. It had been a month? I think I'm not sure.
I gently kissed his head and cupped his face. As soon as I did this he snapped up and looked at me like he thought I wasn't real.
( Helen wrote it from here)
I could tell Draco was shocked but soon he realised I was awake he kissed me then gently placed another kiss on my forehead. I had a horrible pain in my back, like knives stabbing me in the same spot 100 times. I let out a groan from the pain. Draco looked worried so he told me to rest and kissed my cheek before he went to inform Madam Pomfrey that I was awake. Soon after he left I fell back asleep.
—💚 Draco's POV—
I felt gentle and soft hands cup my face and a kiss being placed on my forehead. I immediately shot up and looked into the gorgeous eyes of my girlfriend that was supposed to be in a coma. I thought I was hallucinating but then I poked and her and she was there. I burst out crying right there and then. She looked at me broken at the scene. Once I calmed down I looked at her in the eyes that I would get lost in all the time. It was her. My lovely girlfriend. ( I wrote that paragraph but the rest from here is again Helen till the end)
I could tell she was in pain but her being the strong and stubborn person she was pretended she wasn't. I kissed her on the lips and then on the forehead then looked I to her emerald eyes. My Sandra was back. She is mine only mine I thought to myself. She let out a groan of pain which worried me and the best thing I could do was to tell her to rest. I wish I could take her pain and make it mine. " rest darling, I will tell the nurse your awake" I informed her before leaving. There was one thing on my mind. She was awake but why was I still worried about her.
I woke up with yet another sharp pain in the back. It wasn't as bad as yesterday and it was bearable. I got into some clothes. The t-shirt was pink and I tied it a the bottom, there was a red rose on the right. I wore some ripped jeans and black trainers with my hair half up half down with the top as a bun. (Here's a pic).
Once I was done I asked poppy if I could leave. She checked me one more time and told me I was good to go. I started my way to the great hall. When I entered I got flashbacks from when me and pug face and me fighting. I quickly snapped out of it when Draco greeted me with a kiss and helped me walk to the table.
"dray honestly I'm fine, you don't need to help me walk." I insisted and lied. I wasn't. I sat in between my best friend, Helen, and Draco. Everyone kept asking if I was okay.
"HEY BESTIEE!!!!" Helen shouted. She looked as bad as Draco did when I woke up, so did Blaise, Harry and Hermione. Ron looked bad but not terrible seeing as we weren't AS close. He was considered a "blood traitor" but I don't think that.
"Hiii anyways everyone thanks for asking, I'm fine!" I replied to all of them. Harry was staring at me with lust and jealousy but I didn't think much of it. ( she didn't notice the lust k?) I then realised I have all these amazing people that love me all around me and that Parkinson is just a jealous bitc- SORRY LANGUAGE!
Across the table, The one and only pug was looking at me with hatred in her eyes. I wanted to snap her neck in half and crucio her arse but sadly knew it was not possible. Draco took notice to my staring and wrapped his arms around me and placed a small but loving kiss on my head. I didn't feel like eating even though my amazing boyfriend kept trying to convince me to eat and I repeatedly told him I wasn't hungry. He, however, wasn't convinced and got worried.
"Baby I'm fine, I've gotten much better since yesterday so please stop worrying because you don't need to. And don't have to since I'm okay." I said but Draco being him didn't believe my lie when everyone else did.
( END of her writing! Honestly, I love it and I edited it a lot but I loved it.)
Anyways I'm sorry for the short chapter but I couldn't finish off after Helen's amazing work because of a family problem that happened but yeah now I have online school on Monday! Yay!! Note the sarcasm... So yeah love u guys stay safe my lovelies. Byeee
Diya ༼ つ ◕◡◕ ༽つ❤︎𓆙