Party time!

It has been a week since Victor's minion was captured and Jack and I rescued the others from the prison! Luckily David managed to find a way to not have us both prosecuted and now we are all back in the Compound together like one big happy family! Yes, I am happy that we are all back together again but I also can't wrap my head around the fact that nothing has happened between Jack and me yet. It's been more than a month since I have become a Freedom Fighter and it is obvious how I feel about him. Anyway, this journal is not for me to complain in, it's for me to recall and share my experiences in so I shall move swiftly on.

David and Jack are best mates again, after the disastrous turn of events in my last book, and so he has decided to throw us a party tonight! I still don't understand why he felt like he owed anything to us but as Jack said, I'm not complaining! As I rummaged through my drawers to find something suitable to wear (that might entice Jack over to me), Natalie came into my room and handed me a stunning red dress, smiled and walked out. She really is like a big sister to me and I am pretty sure she is aware of my feelings towards Jack. I say this because whenever she sees me chatting to him she smirks. And what else could that mean?

I had to give myself a pep talk in the mirror as wearing this red dress was a little outside of my comfort zone but then I remembered that Natalie had given this to me and I was dying to see her reaction when she saw me in it. Once I had done my hair and makeup I crept out of my room and walked straight into Blaze, who spilt his beer all over the floor in shock. I had to laugh at this and he chuckled and carried on walking. I suspected that he wouldn't clean the mess up and the smell of beer on the floorboards was already intoxicating so I got down on my hands and knees and cleared it up.

Just as I had chucked the sodden kitchen roll I had used in the bin, David raced up the stairs and asked me if everything was alright. I looked a little shocked but then he explained to me that the party had already started and everyone was wondering where I was. Hating myself for telling on Blaze, we proceeded down the steps to the party. My self-confidence deteriorated like the drop of a rollercoaster. I had always struggled with anxiety attacks but I think when you are at a party with the Freedom Fighters it is slightly different! I tried to focus on my breathing, but the anxiety bubbled inside my rib cage and I remember feeling sick to my stomach. Even after I had prepared my entrance numerous times in my room, the reality was still alien. I whispered to David that I was sweating an absurd amount and David replied by telling me that he was the same. But it wasn't the same. David wore the sweat the same way a hero wears rain whereas my sweat was beginning to bring a deeper hue to my clothing.

Finally, we reached the bottom of the stairs and joined the others. Natalie gave me a proud smile and told me to look at Jack who caught my eye and then quickly looked away, engaging in a conversation with Blaze. Unsurprisingly their conversation ended in them competing over who could down a bottle of beer faster. Jack won. I was very proud.

Natalie soon disappeared off with Jack to get everyone some more drinks and I chatted to Dr Mastermind who was very complimentary about the dress. I told him that it was actually Natalie's and he should see her in it sometime and that made him blush rather a lot. There is definitely something happening between those two which is very sweet! Natalie came back with the drinks and told me that Jack wanted to talk to me. I tried to walk towards him like a model would walk down a runway but that was a complete fail and I nearly twisted my ankle in my high heels. When I had finally reached him he could only say two words before there was a massive explosion and he was thrown across the room. To the sound of the explosion came the terrible echo as if it were the anguished cry of God. I had been thrown into the table and I held my hand to the slash in my side, but no matter the pressure I applied the blood still gushed between my fingers and oozed under my hand. I watched as the others fought some unknown robotic army as they flew around the Compound and before I blacked out I remember being dragged away by someone and thrown into the back of the truck.

I woke up faster than a cat in ice-water, every sense urging me to claw my way to standing. There was a man towering over me and I soon found out that I was in a Hydro Research Tower in Finland. You can tell how much I love writing things down as I demanded to be given a pad of paper so I could write down my experiences here and in return, I would not try to escape. Looking back at this it was rather stupid but he gave me a notebook and I have written down everything that I can remember about today. I was surprised at how relaxed he was about giving me this but he did tell me that in a few days I wouldn't need to write anything down. That should have been a major warning to me but it wasn't. I was injured and in a shocked state so I didn't consider the deeper meaning of what he meant. But I should have.