A more successful party at the Compound

Okay so this will be my last extract for this volume but it is a perfect way to end a rather rollercoaster journey. For this party I did not wear the red dress that I wore last time as one it's now deemed unlucky in my eyes and two why would I wear the same dress twice? ;) I decided to go with a little black dress this time and I made sure that I was on time too! I seem to be a changed woman! I came downstairs and watched Jack and Lee playing pool, both were awful which made it rather entertaining as they thought that they were such pros. Over the roar of music, a distant, hazy chatter could be heard. I couldn't make out any words, but laughter rang in my ears and wouldn't seem to stop. It was a perfect night. Jack and Sam went off to get another beer and I sat at the bar to overhear Natalie and Dr Mastermind's chat about their relationship with each other. Dr Mastermind once again said he did not know and when Natalie had gone I was about to go and give him a good talking too but Jack appeared out of nowhere and did it for me. By now the music was as loud as thunder; it made the cutlery on the tabletops rattle. Neon lights flashed everywhere like police sirens, but much more colourful. The DJ then invited everyone over to the dance floor for the next song. The bass thumped in time with my heartbeat as though they were one, filling me from head to toe with music. I liked this song. Jack made his way towards me and when he heard the music it was like liquid adrenaline being injected right into his bloodstream - not so strong as to freak him out, but just enough to make him tingle and start to move his body. All of us were on the dance floor, David was spinning Sarah around, Natalie was encouraging Dr Mastermind to move his body more and Blaze and Eagle Eye danced with each other. I let myself move to the music and as I turned my eyes caught Jack standing there, he was less adept at hiding in the shadows than me. Jack dropped his eyes momentarily before looking, his head tilted to one side and a hopeful smile played on his lips. I knew what that meant. My bruises, my punishment, lie in places unseen beneath my flowing dresses yet I have no regrets. Not one.

Once the song had ended we all headed towards the sofas where we all piled down on top of each other. One of the sofas had certainly seen better days. The battered floral design was worn thin in places but not quite to the point of ripping. The soft green piping fabric around the cushions had the beginnings of fraying. Blaze then challenged all of us to try and lift his hammer. Eagle Eye certainly sprung to life after Blaze said this and volunteered to go first. Unable to complete this ridiculous challenge, David then took his place. Even with his suit on he could not lift the hammer. Dr Mastermind was up next and being the sweetheart that he is he took it a bit too seriously. I was then volunteered by Natalie to go next as I had teased her about her attraction to Dr Mastermind when he was attempting to lift Blaze's hammer. I tried very hard but of course, I couldn't lift it. Jack then went next to show me how it is done but he also failed to pick it up. Although, at one point the hammer definitely did move as I clocked Blaze's face of utter horror. Very entertaining. When Jack was trying to lift the hammer I could see every day of my future with him and I wanted it, I wanted to stay and be apart of it more than anything I've ever wanted... for this new relationship to be something I sailed within until I am old. I am confident that it will be the case. Natalie turned down the challenge and downed her bottle of beer to which we all cheered her on.

And now I am off to bed. For the rest of the evening, we danced some more, drank some more and Jack and I kissed some more (sorry for the oversharing!) But I am just so unbelievably happy. I was at my lowest I have ever been during part of this volume but now this chapter is ending with me being the happiest I have ever been.

I decided to just write down a little something for Jack at the bottom of this page just to show him how much he means to me. It captures how I feel perfectly.

Falling in love with you was like entering a house and finally realising I'm home. When you smile at me I feel invisible hands wrapping around me making me feel safe. When your eyes are locked on mine, it's like I can see galaxies instead of just pupils. Having you in my life makes me feel like everything's possible in this world like I can conquer anything. I don't regret meeting you and I know you might be my first but what I wish in life is for you to be my last.

I'll be back soon for volume three!