Once Feng Lei left Xue'er grabbed Luo Tian's sleeve and got him to turn to look at her. "Big brother, I want to become stronger...I don't want to become a burden to you. From what you said those two tigers were 3rd rank beasts and I couldn't sense them at all. I don't have any problems with 1st and 2nd rank ones but just now I felt so....weak when I saw that we were truly being followed. So please help me." Xue'er said as she looked at him with determined eyes.
Hearing how she was easily able to accept something like this and ask for help with something that would have frustrated most people causing them to be single minded and make mistakes which may lead to death Luo Tian was happy. "I'm happy you're so eager to get stronger. Sit down with me for a bit." Luo Tian plopped himself on the ground and sat crosslegged.
Juewang who was by his waist changed to her human form and sat next to him with her legs stretched out wearing her usual clothing.
Xue'er did as he said and sat down in front of him. "Okay Xue'er you mainly use profound martial skills with your sword right?" Luo Tian asked once they settled down.
Xue'er didnt know what he was getting at but nodded her head." I do Big brother..since my family is wealthy I use many different sword skills." She said.
"Let me explain something to you Xue'er. A Martial Skill is something that gives your profound energy form, it molds your profound energy into the form of whatever skill you are using. Normally people rely on the differences between cultivation levels when they are fighting with martial skills but that isn't necessarily true unless the difference is large." Luo Tian explained slowly to let everything he said sink in.
Xue'er nodded seriously to show that she understood though she was surprised at the new information she wanted to know more so she saved her comments for later. "I understand " She said.
Hearing she understood Lio Tian continued. " Those skills are seprated into different grades and they each use different quantities of profound energy. What you people do wrong starts from here, you people think that Martial Skills strength is decided by it's rank, in fact that's not true, the quality of you Profound energy is what counts, all that rank decides is how much Profound energy is used up to form the skill which also amplifies it's power but that's not enough. For example if you used a Rank 1 skill with high quality profound energy and someone else used a Rank 2 with low quality profound energy it is completely possible for the Rank 1 skill to come out on top. The problem is you focus on increasing your cultivation ranks to increase your Profound energy quantity to use more powerful skills instead of focusing on its quality. I know that as you increase your cultivation the quality also increases but the quality would be the difference between people in the same rank. So here's what I want you to do Xue'er, for the next 3 days here I want you to focus on compressing your Profound energy as much as possible. Don't cultivate, just focus on compressing the profound energy in your Dantian and try make it as thick as possible. Your cultivation progress will slow down significantly until you are able to fully compress it but once you do that it will become much easier because any profound energy you gain in future will be influenced by your dense energy though it will be diluted a bit it won't be difficult to return it to its previous quality." Luo Tian once again explained slowly so that everything he said could sink in waiting for her to confirm that she understood.
After a few moments of contemplation Xue'er's eyes went wide. Despite being so wealthy, in her family no one has ever told her to focus on developing the quality of her Profound energy instead they all rambled on about cultivation and making breakthroughs.
"I understand Big brother." She said to show she understood, she didn't question him for a second and immediately decided to halt her cultivation until she finished his task.
Seeing she understood he nodded with a smile. "Good girl, now as for your senses you just have to develop your natural senses instead of relying on the boost that your cultivation provides."
Xue'er nodded once again." I'll work hard." She said.
--- Meanwhile Behind A Few Trees Not Far From Them --
5 Figures stood hiding their figures behind the trees as they watched Luo Tian, Juewang and Xue'er talk.
They had just arrived in the area so they didn't know that Luo Tian was the cause of the frozen field instead they thought it was the result of some strong beast that left a while ago.
They couldn't hear what they were talking about since they were too far but that wasn't what they were here for.
They had been following Luo Tian's tracks for the past few hours trying to find him and Li Xue'er at the request of Luo Lin.
Yes these 5 were Luo Lin's subordinates. "Some of us need to go inform Young Master Luo Lin about Luo Tian's position." Said one of the disciples in a whispering tone.
"Two of us will go while the rest must stay and keep watch..don't try fight him alone, remember that he was able to cripple Elder Xiaoshan in a single move and the pressure from his body was dangerous plus he is not alone, so wait for reinforcements from the Young master." Said another disciple.
Almost all of them shuddered except for one who was not present when Luo Tian crippled the elder so he didn't believe them but he stayed silent since the rest of them had all agreed and then nodded.
Two of them then ran back to find Luo Lin leaving 3 of them behind.
The disciples thought that they hadn't been noticed however Juewang had already noticed them and informed Luo Tian the moment they arrived.
-‐ Through Telepathy When They Arrived --
"Husband there's 5 disciples that just arrived and they are hiding while watching us. They must be from that Luo Lin guy you have been looking for." Juewang warned
"Hahaha finally...continue to keep an eye on them, I need them to tell Luo Lin where we are so we will only attack if they come for us first or after one of them leaves to go tell Luo Lin." Luo Tian was really happy that they finally found him.
It wasn't everyday you got to butcher the son of the person responsible for all the pain you experienced for years.
-- Back To The Present --
Luo Tian and Xue'er had just finished their conversation and were preparing to leave again. "Big Brother I want to go into that place to start training immediately is it safe?" She knew that Luo Tian's senses were better than hers currently and that he said to always check with him before going in there while they were here.
Luo Tian shook his head then moved closer to her ear to whisper. "There's 3 Luo Family Disciples watching us behind a few trees so wait until we get behind a tree then you can go." Luo Tian warned.
Juewang had already told him when two of them left. She didn't change back into her sword form yet so that the disciples wouldn't be on guard and instead waited for Luo Tian to hide.
Thankfully Xue'er is a sensible person so she nodded in understanding as they began walking to the trees.
However if it was Feng Lei that idiot might have looked over to them and tried to fight them immediately.
The three of them his behind a tree and Xue'er immediately dissapeared into the World Crest and Juewang changed to her sword form.
The disciples maintained as much distance as they could up to where they could still keep an eye on Luo Tian and Xue'er but once they saw that Xue'er and his other woman had dissapeared they were greatly confused and worried since they knew how important Xue'er was to Luo Lin.
As for Luo Tian once Xue'er left and Juewang changed to the Katana he developed a sinister grin on his face as he began walking back to the clearing.
Upon reaching the center of the clearing Luo Tian looked in the direction where the disciples were, his Sharingan had been active the whole time so he was able to notice the small movements of the bushes leaves they caused while hiding. "You 3 idiots why don't you come out already!" Luo Tian shouted in their direction.
Just before calling them out he suppressed his cultivation down to the Profound Pupil 6th rank.
His skills might be powerful but he needs to build experience, it would all be multiplied 5 times so he didn't need to go to too many extremes but he planned to take any chance that he had.
Hearing Luo Tian call them out their earlier confusion was replaced with shock but they didn't move.
They didn't want to believe that he had found them but what they heard next proved them wrong. "You trashes behind the trees if you don't come out right now you'll end up like Luo Yue." Luo Tian shouted.
Hearing that they had been discovered they had no choice but to come out.
One by one they walked out behind the trees with nervous looks on their faces since they didn't know whether they would live because they didn't know his true strength.
The three disciples were Luo Zheng, Luo Fei and Luo Shen.
"Luo Tian, Luo Lin is looking for you and Li Xue'er." Said Luo Sheng since he was hoping that by mentioning Liu Lin's name nothing would happen.
"Yeah...where did she go?" Luo Fei asked.
However it was at that moment Luo Zheng who couldn't believe Luo Tian's strength couldn't hold back anymore. "Why the hell are we being so nice to this trash!? We should just beat the answers out of him!" He shouted out with veins popping out of his forehead as he pointed at Luo Tian.
The other Luo Shen and Luo Fei hesitated at what he said while Luo Tian chuckled. "Hahaha...Why don't you try beat it out of me then, I'm only at the Profound Pupil 6th afterall...I used a rare Item to cripple the elder I can't use it anymore so what are you waiting for?" Luo Tian said as he tried to convince them that he was weak.
Luo Fei and Luo Shen were still skeptical while the one that just insulted Luo Tian was grinning wickedly. "Ha!, You see he's trash! two of us are Profound Pupil 6th we can easily defeat him."
As he shouted that out he drew his sword and started running to Luo Tian with a look of contempt in his eyes.
Luo Tian drew Juewang with a smile and dashed forward himself. Soon the two clashed swords
The sounds of the two blades clashing sounded through the forest.
None had the advantage so they jumped back.
"Heh..not bad but let's see if you can take this." Said the disciple as he used his profound energy to strengthen himself and coat his sword then dashed forward again.
Luo Tian noticed what he did with his sharingan so he used a technique he has been working on.
He activated his lightning and circulated it all around his body continuously. Almost immediately black sparks came out fron the sides of eyes as he muttered.
"Thunder God Mode."
This mode enhances his processing, senses, speed, strength, reflexes and concentration. It should normally cause a lot of damage to forcefully enhance his body with such powerful black lightning but thank to his healing energy it was not even an issue.
He used it to its lowest level so that he wouldn't make the gap between them large to help the two spectators decide on joining the fight since it would be obvious they could overpower him.
Luo Tian and Luo Zheng started clashing swords again and the two who were watching were finally convinced after watching a few equal exchanges.
"Oi this guy isn't that strong let's go kill him. I'm sure young master Luo Tian would reward us for doing it. We can find that woman later."Said Luo Sheng as he developed a sinister grin and drew his sword.
The disciple next to him developed the same grin and also drew his sword. "Hehehe, we were worried for no reason." Said Luo Fei
As he said that the two of them dashed forward while circulating their Profound Energy.