
Amelia Pov

After Locus left I'm sat down on the sofa confused. What got into him?

Just like that, it hit me again what the fuck did we just do? Did he... did we just kiss me? My boss just fuckin taught me how to kiss? I yelled.

As I yelled Emily came through the door." hey girl" she said as she came through the door. She took her shoe off. And came beside me. I didn't notice when she came until she placed her hands on my shoulder.

"Are you okay?"

"Huh?" I huffedOooh then looked at her.

"Emily?" all I could say.

"What's with you?" Emily asked, shaking me from my thoughts.


"Your cheeks are burning red," she said with a laugh "who was it huh," she punched my arm as she winked at me.

"No one," I said while placing my hand on my checks.

"Come on girl, tell me?"

"OK, alright, it was just a kiss," I said as my cheeks flushed.

"Oooh, who is he??" she said jumping as she was clapping in excitement

"Well, I guess I didn't really expect any of that to happen between me and my boss," I remarked, shutting my eyes.

"Your what?" she nearly screamed, "yep, he's my boss." "Why did he even come here?" she questioned.

"He said he came to check how I was."

"Oooh, check on you huh?" she punched my arms.

"Stop it silly," I huffed as I elbowed her in her stomach.

"I got to see that boss of yours." She gave her a wink and she left for her room.


*1 month later*

Emily ordered us food. I was watching my favourite movie The Notebook when the bell rang. Emily yelled from the kitchen while she was getting us a drink that she got the door. After a few seconds, she came in with big cardboard of pizza.

We sat down as she continued watching the movie while eating. We started crying at the end of the movie. Then we decided to each go to our room.

My mind couldn't stop wondering about Locus and every memory of our kiss kept coming to my mind. As her heart kept beating harder and harder.

I ran fast to Emily's room without knocking. I opened it and jumped on her bed while she was studying. She looked at me shocked.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"You once had a boyfriend right?" I asked.

"Yes and"? She continued.

"Why do I feel my heart come out of my chest? Why do I get really excited when I see him?" I asked.

She covered her mouth as she started giggling. I asked her what was wrong and she laughed louder. I punched her arms as I waited for her answer.

"Girl.." she paused as she started giggling again, I swear I was going to punch her, she's getting on my nerves.

"You're in love" just as she said these words my heart skipped a beat "I'm what?" I repeated after her.

"If you do love him and your feelings toward him are real then I think you should tell him about your feelings so he doesn't play with you, Amelia. She said calmly.

I'm in love no I don't even know what love is, I don't know how to love. But when I'm with him I feel different.

I got up and shut Emily's bedroom behind me and I started walking to my room.

After taking a hot bath, I laid down on my bed. I went through my phone searching more about schooling to keep Locus out of my mind. I laid my phone on the nightstand and took out my reading glasses and began reading.

As I was on my second page I heard my phone buzzing. I grabbed my phone and checked my ID. When I opened it, I saw a message from Locus and my eyes went wide. My heart was almost going to come out.

Hi, Amelia, I need to talk to you.

I stared at my phone. Why would he want to talk to me at the time it was 9:43 PM.

Okay. I replied.

After a few seconds, he replies.

Meet me outside in 10 outside of your place.

I didn't answer back, I hurried up and changed my clothes. I wear a hoodie over leggings. Did my hair and applied little makeup. OMG, what is going on with me?

As I was waiting outside my heart was telling me to tell him about my feelings toward him. Should I listen to Emily and my heart and follow it? I didn't know what to do. I never fell for someone in high school. Boys used to hit on me a lot but I used to not give them my attention.

I jumped when I heard Locus' deep voice I turned around and my body started burning from what just happened earlier.

He walked closer to me and stood in front of me.

"Amelia," he said.

"Locus" I replied.

"Sorry to bother you at this time but... I need to speak to you.

"No that's okay, Locus..."I paused as I came closer to him and there were only inches between us."I have something to tell you as well" I said smiling OMG I can't believe I'm doing it.

I have never done this before, I don't know how to express my feelings for someone.

He stared at me with confusion."Well, I have never done this before." I began

He came closer to me and held my face in his hands, his hands were big "Amelia listen" I looked into his eyes which were filled with sadness, love and....and fear.

"Whatever that happens has to stop."

"What?" all I could manage to say.

"Look everything that happened between us you need to forget it"

"What are you talking about?" we kept our gaze at each other "why would I need to forget everything that happened between us when I just started figuring out my feelings toward" he cut me off "Amelia" he began

"No listen to me, yes I started catching feelings for you. I like you okay, whenever I'm near you I feel my heart is coming out of my chest, when I'm not with you I can't get you off my mind. When you kissed me..." I paused. Why am I talking about kissing now "why you give me you give me butterflies your touch gives me butterflies." I paused.


"What?" I said as I came closer to him.

"I'm sorry.....but I don't have the same feelings toward you." The words were like a knife went through my chest. "So whatever your feelings toward me I don't care" just like that he left me standing outside in this cold weather.

Tears drifted down my cheeks, he was halfway through his car when he turned back looked at me then getting inside his car drove off. I stood there frozen when Emily came out of nowhere and led me inside.

She hugged me as she started sobbing with me, "I'm sorry I shouldn't have told you to confuse your feelings for you." I didn't say anything, I just stood there as I hugged her back.

*Locus pov*

As I sat down with the boys we began talking about everything when I decided to tell them "guys" they all turned toward me waiting for me to speak.

"She's back," I said as I started sobbing."

"what?" Tony huffed as he got up.

"Why do you mean she's back?" John asked calmly.

"Juial is back but now her name is Amelia," I said as I took deep breaths to calm myself down not cry in front of the boys.

"She's reborn."

The boys were silent until John decided to break the silence "how did you guys meet?"

"She works at my company."

"Since when?"

"A month ago." my eyes snapped at the boys when I heard them yelling.

"And you're telling us this now what the hell is wrong with you?" Sam yelled. Sam was like her brother in the past, but of course, she's reborn so she will be able to remember her.

"When I hired her, I didn't even know it was her until I met her, she's exactly like her Juial."

"Did...did something happen between you and her?" John asked.

I looked at them and nodded my head "we kissed."

John looked away and signed in anger.

"Whatever is going on between you and her, it has to end."

I turned toward him with anger in my eyes. Who does he think he is to tell me what to do with her but at the same time he's right.

"Locus....I know you loved her and maybe you love her now but we can't put her in danger again."

"Last time we couldn't save her I couldn't save her that bitch Xavier." I angrily said.

"But you're right, if I want her to be safe this time I should be far away from her." The boy looked at me as she nodded their head as they told me that I made the right decision.

I went through my contacts list as I stopped at her name. I had her in my contact when about 3 weeks ago I got her number from her employer when I forgot to tell her that on Monday she doesn't need to come to work because I won't be at work.

I texted Amelia that I want to meet her in 10 minutes when she agreed I took my jacket and dashed through the door I got in my car and drove towards her place.

When I got there I sat her standing at the doorway smiling. I smiled to myself at how beautiful she was. She hasn't changed a bit. Except now she has a family and different life.

I walked out of my car and went to her. She jumped when she heard me. I can't believe she just confessed her feelings for me. I feel so fucked up because of how I spoke to her. I broke her and it broke my heart.

I left her standing at the doorway as tears drifting down her eyes,

I got inside my car and drove off.

*Amelia Pov*

The next morning

7:30 AM

I woke up last night. I got up as I tried to forget what happened last night.

I went to the bathroom and got ready. I picked out my outfit. Went downstairs as I made breakfast for me and Emily since today she has school. I finished breakfast, brushed my teeth and went out to work.


When I was crossing the road I stopped in my place when I saw a BMW car speeding toward me. I backed up and fell causing half of my clothes to become muddy.

"What the hell?" I yelled at the guy who came out of the BMW.

"I'm sorry ma'am," he said as he came toward me extending his hand to help me up.

"Really, are you kidding me if you don't know how to drive then don't drive?" I said, yelling.

When I was about to get up I saw the back door of the car open and a handsome man out and walked toward me.

"No way," I said as it came out in a whisper.

It was Alex.

"I'm really sorry about my driver,'' he said as she helped me get up, which I didn't realize that I was still on the ground.

"No way it's you, the girl that I met at the meeting with Locus," he said pretending like he didn't know me, what a liar.

"Yeah" I nodded.

"I am really sorry about what happened."

"That's fine," I said as I tried to rub the mud from my clothes I tried to clean as much as I could.

"Let me give you a ride," Alex offered.

"No, it's fine."

"Please let me make it up to you." I finally accepted.

I climbed into his car and the driver apologized to me again. I told him that it was fine and to be careful when he drives he doesn't know when someone will come in front of him while he's driving then I gave him a warm smile then I looked at Alex when I heard him giggle softly.

When we arrived I thanked him and got down. I went to Charlotte as I said hi to her then went to my office. My mind was with Locus. I wanted to see him. Like what was wrong with what he did last night, I still want to see him.

I got up and knocked on his door but there was no answer, I decided to go in, I cracked open the door I went in and saw the office was empty when I turned back I bumped into his hard yet soft chest. His smell filled my nose. He smelled amazing that I just wanted to kiss him.

When I looked up at her he was staring at me. I froze in my place waiting for him to do something. But all I could see was anger in his eyes.

He put one of his hands on my cheek as I started to lay my head on his hands and rubbed it again. My face was smooth and warm. When I realized what I was doing I moved back.

I...I came to check if you want anything." I began.

He shook his head. I nodded to him when I was about to walk away. He held my wrist and pulled me closer to him, his face moved closer to mine as he rested his forehead on mine.

"What are you doing, one time you treat me differently than the other you shut me off, don't play with my feelings," I said as I closed we both closed our eyes and we moved our face from side to side gently and slowly.

After a minute or so he pulled away from me leaving me coldly. "Don't you dare to be close with Alex again." he pointed then left to his office.