Crazy Lier

Once John stopped I rushed out of the car and ran toward Amelia's room, just then Elosie bumped into me causing the test box to fall she looked at the box then at me. "What?" she asked. I looked at her then took the box when I tried to walk to her room she stood in front of me blocking my way, I looked at her then I moved to the other side so I pass by her but she also blocked I tilted my head to the side as she crossed her arms around her chest with raised eyebrows.

What the hell is wrong with this girl? "Excuse me?" I begin. I asked her if she could move aside so I could pass but she just stared at me. I rolled my eyes and walked past her. She blocked me and pushed me with her shoulder. I looked at her then pushed her harder causing her to fall on the floor.

She started yelling at me telling me why did I push her without her doing anything to me she even said she understands that me and Amelia don't like her but we should treat her like that when I was about to open my mouth Locus and the boys came from behind. "What's going on here?" Locus asked as he went to Eloise's side. She...did she just fake cry? She started crying saying that I pushed her without any reason. She said she knows that we don't like her but we shouldn't do that to her and if we don't want her here she's ready to leave.

Locus started at me with questions and a confused face at the same time angry. I looked at him and shook my head. I told him that she's lying but he kept just staring then I looked behind me at John as he mouthed what? Confused. I shook my head as he sighs. Then I turned back to Locus as he helped her off the floor. He looked at me then his eyes moved down to the box in my hand. I quickly hid it behind me. As I thought he asked me what was behind me I shook my head and told him it was nothing but he asked me again" what is that box beh8ind you?" he asked, saying each word slowly. I looked at John as he slowly shook his head telling me not to tell him it was for Amelia.

Just then the room door cracked open and Amelia came out she looked confused as she stared at each of us. I looked at her without saying anything. She looked over at Locus but he just started in her way with his eyes low down on the floor. She walked toward me and now she was standing in front of me. She looked at me, then at Eloise, then Amelia raised her eyebrows. She asked why she was crying and then Elosie started sobbing harder laying her head on Locus's shoulders I could see Amelia bothered. But of course, she stayed quiet and she looked at me as I lowered my head.

"What's going on here?" she asked. She looked at Locus waiting for him to answer but of course, he didn't answer her "why don't you ask that friend of yours." I looked up at him shocked he would never talk to me or Amelia like that. Melia asked him what the hell he was talking about then he started yelling and telling her how I pushed her without her doing anything to me. I could see Eloise smirk. Which is frustrating me even more.

Ameli8a looked at me. There is no way she would believe that I would do such a thing. "If you don't like my daughter or you don't want her here you more than welcome to leave." Amelia's eyes went wide; she couldn't believe what he was saying. Did he just say that to his love of life Amelia?

Then he pointed to the box in my hand he said that I was hiding something he rushed toward me as he pulled my hand hard from my back showing the pregnancy test John came rushing to my side as he pulled Locus's hands away from mine. He asked him what the hell he was doing but Locus just looked at the box. I looked over at each of them while Elosie just stood their evil smile on her face. "What's that?" Locus asked I pulled my hands away telling him that it was none of his business Amelia stood there without saying anything she didn't want him to kno0w maybe there was a chance to tell him but after what he did there was no way she would.

"It's for me, why do you care, don't get into some else business." I huffed. He backed away and said that he still needs an explanation as to why I did this. He said if I don't then he would have a different way to talk to me. I yelled telling him that *I didn't do anything. I was going to Amelia's room and she kept blocking my way." and you pushed her?" I told him that I didn't, why would he understand what the hell has she done to him that he won't believe us.

I walked past them as Ameli and John followed me. I sat on the bed as I began to sob John and Amelia sat on each side as he confronted me. I told them that I promised that I wouldn't do it on a purse. She was the one who kept blocking my way and asked me about the test and she started to fake sob when she saw Locus behind me.

John hugged me as Amelia told us she was gonna have a word with

Locus I told her not to fight because of me but she instated to talk to him. She said he has a lot of explaining to do to her. She left the room as I looked at John. I asked him if believe me. He paused then nodded his head. He said he does because he has seen how she was acting and how Locus started acting differently since she came into his life.

He said he never imagined that his daughter would be like that; her mother was very different; she was nice and sweet. But he has no idea why she was doing this.

Amelia Pov

When I saw how he was treating Emily I began to lose control of myself. He hasn't been himself ever since Elosiue came into his life. She has changed him. I looked for him in the living room then Sam told me that he was in his room. I went to his room and found him sitting at the edge of the bed while Elosie was sitting beside him sobbing while his head was laid on his hands.

I asked him if I could talk to him but he didn't answer so I walked in and stood in front of him. I looked over to Eloise as she stayed set. I asked her if she would give us a minute. She looked over Locus then left. Closing the door behind her. I looked in her direction then back to Locus. He stayed seated and didn't say anything. I looked at him and asked what was going on but he didn't say anything and he stayed quiet.

I yelled this time "what's going on with you? Ever since Elsie came into your life you started acting differently." he snapped his head toward me staring in my eyes with that angry eyes of his. He yelled saying that he was the one who changed for me. I became a different person because of Emily. I raised my eyebrows, confused. Locus would never talk to me like that. Perhaps she was telling him stuff that made him change.

"Why can't you just do what I tell you to do without asking the question?" he said, yelling and jumping off the bed. " I stared at him, not understanding what he was talking about. I asked him what he was talking about but he just started turning his back at me.

I turned him, making him face me with his eyes..his eyes were bloody red. He looked at me confused which also made me confused as to why he looked at me that way he walked toward me inches away from my face as he held my face in his sweet warm hands. "What?" I yelled. "Your eyes?" he questioned. I stared at him. Then walked to the mirror in his bathroom. I stood on my ground and shook at the sight of my eyes. My eyes were yellow..yellow what in the hell world.

As I started in my eyes I began to feel sick again. Why is this happening to me? I should've taken the test but of course, Locus decided to ruin it. I took out everything in my stomach as Locus rushed beside me.