
Amelia Pov

I didn't understand anything that's happening. Emily came to my room, got ready, then Locus took me for about a 21 minutes drive. I gasped once we arrived. Did I just see a fricken private jet that was waiting for us? Maybe not, maybe I am dreaming, when I open my eyes I will be in bed.

Locus opened the passenger door which I didn't notice when he got out, he placed his hands for me as I took it, we walked toward the jet while holding hands, the flight attendant greeted us as he helped me into the jet. The place was huge and beautiful. We sat down. As soon as the flight took off, the flight attendant came with drinks and food. As we finished I felt tired so I opened the window. It was raining but it wasn't heavy, I looked at the rain as I smiled.

I could feel Locus' eyes on me, I looked over at him and he was looking at me with a big smile. I felt guilty, guilty for not telling him the truth. He came and sat next to me. He moved his face closer to mine as he began kissing me. I was hungry for his touch, his lips, his kisses and his pleasure.

We kissed hungrily, he pulled me toward him and now I was sitting on his knees, I moaned at his touch as I could feel him under me. I broke the kiss and looked at myself. I told him how much I love him and that I will always will, and so he did. He told me that I was his only forever. Then we went back for another kiss. Locus wanted to have "it" now but I didn't allow him since we had her on the flight and the pilot I didn't feel comfortable with. When I told him that I don't feel comfortable he went for another kiss then sat me back in my city. He told me that today is gonna be a special day. He's gonna make me forget everything, that I wasn't gonna scream his name all night.

Just at the thought of that made me shiver every inch of my body, I want 'I want him I want his kisses and touch everywhere but thinking about the way he pleases me every time a moan almost escape from my mouth, Locus smirked he probably knew what I was thinking about because he kissed me then he bit my neck probably leaving a hickey.

The flight was about an hour and a half I didn't realize when I drifted to sleep because I felt someone was waking me up I groaned then I snapped my eyes open thinking that I was really at home dreaming, but thank God it wasn't I saw Locus hands o0n my shoulder telling me we arrived.

We got off at a beautiful beach and the moon shone on the water. The sand probably now feels so good as I love sand that I took off my shoes right away. Locus laughed at my action, but then he took off his shoes after seeing me taking them.

He held my hand as we walked on the soothing sand, and I smiled at him. As we walked further, we stopped at a bridge, and we stood there peering into each other's eyes, and all I could think about was spending the night with him. He hugged me and I hugged him back, then he pulled aside and glanced up at the stars and moon. The moon was full, there were a few drops of rain, and he went in for a kiss until it began to rain a little harder. He kissed me in the rain, and this was the sweetest kiss I'd ever had from him.

He took my hands as he walked to the water, he bend down my heart stopped was it can be I covered my mouth with my hands as my whole body begins to shake while smiling, but then he rolled my jeans up when he got up he looked at me confused about course he would he saw me covering my mouth, then he smiled I believe he knows what I was thinking, he kissed my forehead and smiled. He offered me his hand and I accepted.

I walked between the water and the sand, it was a chill night. He splashed me with the water with his feet. I giggled and slashed his back. We had a water fight but we didn't go strong but we ended up wetting our clothes. We laid on the sand as we watched the moon. I believe we stayed at the beach for about 2 hours. Locus then led me to the jet as we handed it somewhere I have no idea where we were. I was shivering since our clothes were wet. He moved me closer to him, when we got there, a driver was waiting for us. We got in and he drove us. It was about 10 minutes and we got to a house. It was a beautiful house.

I looked at him, he took my hands and led me inside, he walked me to the living room as he pulled out red wine, ok I am f8cked, shit what should I do? I can't drink because I am pregnant. He poured 2 glasses of wine, he handed me one and I took it. He sat beside me as he clicked our glass. I pretended to take a sip then placed the glass on the table. He looked at me when he was about to say something and I kissed him.

I moved to sit on his lap while we never broke the kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck while he wrapped his around my waist. Then I moved one of my hands and played with my hair, he started moving me back and forth, I could feel him under me that caused me to moan. He laid me on my back down on the couch, he went on top of the lifted my sweater as he tossed it on the floor.

He moved down to my neck as he began to suck, he kept sucking harder each time, he went to my earlobe sending a shiver down my body when he whispered "ready to scream my name?" he smirked. I felt that I was about to faint, he moved down to my breast as he kept kissing and sucking every inch until he reached one of my breasts.

He lifted the lace bra over my head and threw it, he kissed each of my nipples then he sucked on it while he massaged the other one he kept pinching it from time to time I began to moan from pleasure. His tongue played around my nipple, his warm mouth covered my nipple, then he moved to the other one and did the same as he did with the other one. When he brought the wine for he brought a bucket of ice which I totally forgot about I wanted to ask him why did he bring it for but it totally slipped away. he kissed my stomach sucking pausing at my bell bottom, he reached over the table as he went back to me with a kiss, I looked at him when he broke the kiss. He grabbed ice from the bucket and placed it in his mouth as he soaked it. He lowered to me kissing me while the ice was still in his mouth.

I sucked on his lips as I grabbed the ice from his tasty lips. Then he took it back and he moved to my neck as he moved to my breast with the ice. Sending shivers everywhere. He lowered down, placing the ice on my stomach. He sucked in the ice and put it down, he left the ice on my stomach as he grabbed another one. He moved every inch of my stomach with the ice. He took off the ice and sucked on the water.

He picked me up in the bridal style and went to his room, the room was huge, he placed me slowly on the bed when he started unbuttoning my jeans I placed my hands-on his he looked at me I moved to dup to him as I flipped him that now I was on top of him. I want to please him now.

He smirked which I knew he would like, I kissed him as I moved to his neck doing the same he did to me, then I had an idea I moved to his ears and whispered, "wait for me, I'll be back" I went back to the living room as I grabbed the bucket of ice and ran back to the room when he saw what I was holding he laugh and laid his head back on the pillow.

I jumped back on top of him as I removed his shirt, I grabbed the ice from the bucket as I sucked it, I left the ice on my mouth a little out so I can move it with me while licking every inch of him.

He moaned once the ice hit his skin. I moved from his neck to his abs. He touched my hair as I began to unbutton his jeans, sliding them down along with his underwear. I wanted to tease him, so I moved slowly from his abs to manhood. I began to pleasure it with my hands then moved my mouth slowly toward it. I ducked it then left it moving back to his lips. He tugged on my hair, "are you trying to tease me caramel?" I smiled, "not a good idea, baby girl."

I moved back as I begin to suck on it pleasuring him I left him to control me as he begins thrusting in my mouth, going all the way in, then he moved me back to his lips he flipped up back again I placed my hand in between us to make sure he doesn't crush the baby.

He took off my pants along with my panties, he sucked on my womanhood sending me to the edge, his warm tongue playing the pleasure. He entered me with his two fingers while his tongue kept pleasuring me. He begins to thrust harder and harder. He moved his fingers and he entered me he began entering me, I began moaning louder every time he goes harder, faster and deeper. "Locus" I moaned.

"Yes baby girl, just like that," he said as he thrust deeper. I was almost at the edge, then he moved to the other side that now I was laying on my side he laid next to me as he Thursday inside me from behind. I laid my head on the pillow once we both came to an end. He kissed my forehead, my nose then my lips. He pulled me closer to him as I laid my head on his chest. I could hear his heart beating fast. I thanked him for the amazing night good thing we ate on the plane before we got here.

"Locus?" I begin looking at him, "yes baby"

I paused I was scared to tell him how would he react, I could see his eyes are drifting to sleep slowly, "I wanna tell you something"

He looked down at me waiting for me to speak, I told him that it was something important and that I was scared how he would, he told me no matter what I will tell him he would be with me, he would never get mad at me. But I feel like he would once he knows the truth. I told him that I didn't know how it happened, and it wasn't my fault. He held my hands as he brought them to his lips kissing them. I relaxed a little, then I moved to his lips as I kissed him. "No matter what happens I will always love you," I told him.

"I will and always love you sweet caramel."

"Locus I'm....i'm pregnant, you're going to be a father."