Summer Festival Part 2

When Yorizora and Kaganari were sitting together.

Kaganari: " Your dad is staring at us..."

Yorizora: " Just don't look at him."

Kaganari: " I can't. It weird."

Okisho and Kurinaha were walking by.

Kurinaha: " Kaganari..."

Kaganari: " H-Hey."

Kurinaha: " What wrong."

Yorizora: " My dad is staring at us right."

Kurinaha looked at him.

Kurinaha: " Ummm..."

Okisho: " Yup."

Yorizora: " You shouldn't have done that."

Kaganari: " Sorry."

Kageyama: "Were Hinata?"

Hanaraki: " With uncle Nishinayo."

Kageyama: " Uncle?"

Hanaraki: " When we met him, he told us to call him uncle."

Kageyama: " .... He not your real uncle."

Hanaraki: " I thought he was..."

Kageyama: " Don't call him that."

~ Kuroo and bokuto family~

Bokuto: " Akasshi~" He tried to grab something.

Akasshi: " Bokuto no."

Kuroo: " Bro chill, we get that later."

Bokuto: " Bro, I want it now."

Arizuma: " I want it too."

Kenma: " I shouldn't have come here."

Kinokuwa: " Do this place have wi-fi?"

Kenma: " Can I share my wi-if with you."

Kinokuwa: " Really thank you, mom."

Akasshi: " Bokuto, please."

Bokuto got in his mood. Akasshi thought himself Why now.

Arizuma: " Mommy."

Akasshi: " We get it later."

Arizuma: " Why."

A few minutes later.

Akasshi: " No more thing."

Arizuma & Bokuto: " Okay~" They eat their ice cream.

Kuroo: " Bro, let me have some?"

Bokuto: " Bro, no."

Kuroo: " Be nice."

Arizuma looked at how Kuroo asks for the ice cream. She looked at Kinokuwa.

Arizuma: " What some?"

Kinokuwa: " No."

Arizuma: " ..." She ate the ice cream.

Kinokuwa looked at her when she ate it. She saw a mess on her face. She got close to her and lick off some ice cream.

Arizuma: " AAAAh." She turns red. " W-What was that for..."

Kinokuwa: " It tastes good." She coved her face with the phone.

Arizuma looked at her when she walked away to Kenma.

~Sakusa and Suna Family~

Atsumu: " GET IT TO ME."

Osamu: " Go get your own."

Atsumu: " Fuck you!" He hit him.

Osamu drops the thing and slaps him. They began to fight. Adakino and Okinako began to laugh when Atsumu and Osamu were hitting each other.

Sakusa: " Get away from me." He sprays hand sanitizer at Sakini.

Ashimaya:" Dad- Fix my hair." she coved her face.

Sakusa: " I don't want your germ."

Ashimaya: " So mean~"

Sakusa: "You're the ugly version of Atsumu."

Sakini: " Haha."

Ashimaya: " Oh shut up Sakini!"

Sakini: " That could be why no one wants you."

Ashimaya slaps her.

Sakini: " I see how is it.." She hit in the head.

Both began to fight.

Suna: " There two-fight now... I need to take a video of this."

Sakusa: " Ugh this makes me sick."

~ Ushijima and Oikawa family~

Oikawa: " Iwa-chan~ Can you get me that." He points want he wants.

Iwaiziuwi: " No."

Ushijima: " Where are you guys going?"

Tsukita: " Osanash-Kun is going to buy me a gift." She holds Osanash's hand.

Tendou: " There be careful."

Oikawa: " I can't believe my kids are dating people I hate."

Iwanobu: " What?"

Igarata: " Okisho is dating Kurinaha, she just sends me a text."

Oikawa: " Who that."

Igarata: " Mr. Kageyama son."

Iwanobu: " The middle kids..... the one who looked like his mom but has his dad's color."

Oikawa: " Oh my god, no."

Igarata: " But it was funny when she like Kaganari."

Tayori: " He ignored her a lot."

Oikawa: " Who that ....?"

Iwanobu: " Mr. Kageyama older son."

Oikawa: " What the hell."

Iwaizivwi: " How many kids do he had?"

Tayori: " Three."

Iwanobu: " Does Asagas like Hanaraki?"

Igarata: " Yeah, why did you ask?"

Tayori: " If you like Hanaraki, you know Kaganari will not let you have a chance to get her."

Iwanobu: " I don't like her. If I ever made her cry Kaganari and Mr.Kageyama is going to kill me."

Igarata: " I'm going to love to see that."

Tayori: " Haha I have going to have a feeling Yorizora and Sakamoto are going to join."

Igarata: " I'm going to laugh when I see it."

~ Sawannurd and Nishinoya family~

Sugaware: " You guys find a perfect spot-" He stared at Hinata and Nishinoya. " WHAT THE HELL YOU DID TO HINATA"

Hinata: " Do I looked bad in it." He was in a pink festival clother.

Nishinoya: " He looked beautiful."

Sugaware: " HE NOT A GIRL."

Hinata: " I do look bad."

Sakamoto: " That pretty."

Shoyama: " Where did buy it from."

Daichi: " Suga please calm down."

Adakino: " He looked like Hanaraki but she more girl-looking."

Asahi: " I told him to not do it but he didn't listen."

Aritagi: " He looked good."

Nishinoya: " All he needs is a long hair ... which I have here."

Sugaware: " NO NO NO."

Daichi: " That too far."

Hinata: " But I want to put it on."

Sugaware: " Baby you are not a girl."

Hinata: " Please ..." He gives puppy eyes.

~ A few minutes later.~

Sugaware: " If you want Kageyama, you need to get his heart."

Oikawa: " Hey- ....Chi-chan why are you wearing that."

Hinata: " Do I looked good."

Oikawa: " YES let me fix your hair."

Iwaiziuwi: " What the hell is going on."

Igarata: " Wow he looked like a girl."

Iwanobu: " This what they do for the past?"

Okisho: " That so pretty~"

Osanash: " Are you trying to show off to Kageyama."

Tsukita: " If he is, that will works."

Ushijima: " Perfect."

Tendou: " Not that bad."

~ when anyone got here~

Nishinoya: " I think he coming."

Atsumu: " He looked good in it."

Yorizora: " Shut the fuck up."

Hanaraki: " Hurry up."

Kageyama: " Jeez I'm coming... Oh hi."

Hinata: " Hey~" He waved.

Kageyama: " Why the fuck you're wearing that."

Hinata: " Cause why not, come sit here~"

Sugaware: " Go sit with him."

Kageyama: " R-Right." he looked away.

When the firework began, Hinata couldn't take his eyes from Kageyama. Hinata looked at his hand and place his hand on his. Kageyama didn't move his hand and hold it. Hinata turns red, he places his head on Kageyama's shoulders. As the third year ( Future ones) began to take about the plan.