As the kids met up with the others. The only person who is left is Kaganari, Kurinaha, Hanaraki, Kinokuwa, Arizuma, Okinako, Sakini, Asagas, Aritagi. Hanaraki thought to herself It fake, I didn't make mom cry real, I don't want to see him cry again.
Okinako: " Hey Idiot." He waved.
Kaganari: " Shut up."
Sakini: " How did you know it was fake?"
Aritagi: " Okinako, Sakini and I figuture it out last weeks-"
Okinako:" We threaded Kaganari fake girlfriend."
Sakini: " You what!?"
Hanaraki: " Asagas-kun.." She smiled.
Asagas: " Hanaraki~" He gives her a big smile.
Kaganari walked in forward of them.
Kaganari: " NOPE NOT TODAY."
Every one giggle.
Kinokuwa: " Let the kid have a relationship."
Kaganari: " NO!"
~ A few minutes later~
Kaganari: " This is the book-"
Okinako: " His FAKE girlfriend give him."
Sakini: " Shut up, I bet you guy threaded the girl to get that!"
Kaganari and Okinako looked away.
~ Flashback~
Yuuki: " Let me go you fool- " She saw Kaganari.
Okinako: " Where do I put her."
Aritagi: " I think this is a bad idea."
Okinako: " Is a good idea."
Kaganari: " Over there."
Yuuki: " BABE Help me."
Kaganari: " Shut up, I know you know something about this world."
Yuuki: " I don't anything about this world."
Okinako: " Stop lying, I saw you talking to someone about this world."
Kaganari: " Hey Aritagi."
Aritagi: " Yeah?"
Kaganari: " Can you outside a bit." He smiled.
Aritagi: " Sure."
He walked out of the room. Kaganari looked at Okinako. Okinako began to smiled.
Okinako: " Please be calm."
Yuuki: " W-What do you mean by that."
Okinako: " It noting weird you know." He licks his mouth.
Yuuki: " Kaganari-Kun help-" She looked at him.
Kaganari removes his shirt.
~ A few minutes later~
Okinako: " Thank you for the book." He laughs.
Yuuki: " K-Kaganari.." She began to cry.
Kaganari: " Why are you crying, Okinako did the work..."
( A/N He means Okinako did the fun part.)
Yuuki: " I'm sorry I lied."
Kaganari: " Oh.."
Yuuki: " Is because I like you for a long time. You know that I like you..."
Kaganari: " I got to be honest I never met you."
Her eyes got wide, she looked at him and watch him walked away with Okinako. They met up with Aritagi.
Aritagi: " What took you guys so long."
Okinako: " Ummm-"
Kaganari: " We have a little talked." He looked at Okinako.
Aritagi: " Oh okay did you got anything."
Okinako: " A book, full of things about this world."
~ End flashback~
Sakini: " Your crazy brother!"
Okinako: " A least we have the book."