Fake world

As the kids met up with the others. The only person who is left is Kaganari, Kurinaha, Hanaraki, Kinokuwa, Arizuma, Okinako, Sakini, Asagas, Aritagi. Hanaraki thought to herself It fake, I didn't make mom cry real, I don't want to see him cry again.

Okinako: " Hey Idiot." He waved.

Kaganari: " Shut up."

Sakini: " How did you know it was fake?"

Aritagi: " Okinako, Sakini and I figuture it out last weeks-"

Okinako:" We threaded Kaganari fake girlfriend."

Sakini: " You what!?"

Hanaraki: " Asagas-kun.." She smiled.

Asagas: " Hanaraki~" He gives her a big smile.

Kaganari walked in forward of them.

Kaganari: " NOPE NOT TODAY."

Every one giggle.

Kinokuwa: " Let the kid have a relationship."

Kaganari: " NO!"

~ A few minutes later~

Kaganari: " This is the book-"

Okinako: " His FAKE girlfriend give him."

Sakini: " Shut up, I bet you guy threaded the girl to get that!"

Kaganari and Okinako looked away.

~ Flashback~

Yuuki: " Let me go you fool- " She saw Kaganari.

Okinako: " Where do I put her."

Aritagi: " I think this is a bad idea."

Okinako: " Is a good idea."

Kaganari: " Over there."

Yuuki: " BABE Help me."

Kaganari: " Shut up, I know you know something about this world."

Yuuki: " I don't anything about this world."

Okinako: " Stop lying, I saw you talking to someone about this world."


Kaganari: " Hey Aritagi."

Aritagi: " Yeah?"

Kaganari: " Can you outside a bit." He smiled.

Aritagi: " Sure."

He walked out of the room. Kaganari looked at Okinako. Okinako began to smiled.

Okinako: " Please be calm."

Yuuki: " W-What do you mean by that."

Okinako: " It noting weird you know." He licks his mouth.

Yuuki: " Kaganari-Kun help-" She looked at him.

Kaganari removes his shirt.

~ A few minutes later~

Okinako: " Thank you for the book." He laughs.

Yuuki: " K-Kaganari.." She began to cry.

Kaganari: " Why are you crying, Okinako did the work..."

( A/N He means Okinako did the fun part.)

Yuuki: " I'm sorry I lied."

Kaganari: " Oh.."

Yuuki: " Is because I like you for a long time. You know that I like you..."

Kaganari: " I got to be honest I never met you."

Her eyes got wide, she looked at him and watch him walked away with Okinako. They met up with Aritagi.

Aritagi: " What took you guys so long."

Okinako: " Ummm-"

Kaganari: " We have a little talked." He looked at Okinako.

Aritagi: " Oh okay did you got anything."

Okinako: " A book, full of things about this world."

~ End flashback~

Sakini: " Your crazy brother!"

Okinako: " A least we have the book."