Min Chaewon POV

I felt someone shaking me... I opened my eyes... I saw the dark brown eyes... Filled with warmth... I smiled relaxing that it was Kim Jihoon... I looked around and saw that I was in hospital... I sat up and asked, "Where is Sooah...?"

"She went to bring your medications..." Jihoon said while smiling and I nodded and then it hit me... "How did you get here...? I mean how did you know that I was in that salon...?" I asked and Jihoon looked up from his phone at me.

"Oh, I was also therein salon... I was about to approach you but something happened to you..." He said and I nodded in agreement... Someone suddenly burst into the room making me and Jihoon turn towards the door.

I saw Yejun rushing towards me... While panting heavily... "Are you ok? " He asked while looking at me with warmth in his eyes...

I smiled and said, "I'm fine... Since when did you start caring for me?" And he ruffled his hair and said, "I have always cared for you but didn't show it..."

I was caught off guard by his answer... We were never friendly with each other... We always quarrel... But if anyone says anything against any one of us... We won't bear that... Me as well as Yejun.

I was cut off by my trail of thoughts when Jihoon saying, "Drink this..." While handing me a glass of orange juice.

I looked at him and he smiled and indicted for me to go on... I took the glass and drank it... I was feeling uncomfortable as Jihoon and Yejun both were staring intensely at me.

I completed drinking the juice and just then Sooah entered the room... I sighed in relief... And Sooah said, "Ok boys thank you for looking after her... Now you can leave... " While coming towards me and smiling at Jihoon and Yejun.

They both smiled back and left the room... But Yejun stopped and looked back at me smiling and left the room closing the door behind him.

I looked at Sooah to see her already looking at me... I asked, "What happened to me...?" She sat beside me and held my hand and said, "Nothing you just fainted due to a panic attack..."

I wasn't surprised by this... This always happens... But I forget why I get panic attacks... I want to be normal... I felt tears in my eyes... At this point, I don't even know why I cry anymore...

"Shhh... It's ok..." Sooah said while hugging me... I broke down... I cried hard on her shoulder... She just kept rubbing my back and trying to calm me.

But I just lost it today... Then after some time of crying, I pulled out of the hug and said, "I'm sorry..."

"It's ok..." She said while looking at me and smiling sadly... I looked down at my hands... And Sooah got up from the bed bringing the medicine...

I took the medicine and laid down on the bed while asking, "When will I discharge...?" And she looked at me while smiling and said, "Tomorrow morning... Now go to sleep... "

"What about you...?" I asked while looking at her and she said, "I'll be here..." I nodded while closing my eyes trying to sleep.

End of Min Soohyun POV


Soohyun and Sooah were sleeping there was someone who entered their room... He walked towards Soohyun...

Slowly sitting on the bed without disturbing the girls... He looked at her a tear rolled his eye... He quickly wiped it... He was never seen crying by anyone...

He continued staring at her peaceful sleeping figure... "Yejun...?" Someone said making him panic... It was Sooah.

He looked at her pleading not to wake up Soohyun... Sooah nodded while going out of the room followed by Yejun.

Yejun and Sooah went to the rooftop of the hospital and sat down... After some time of silence, Sooah said, "What are you doing here...?"

Yejun sighed before saying, "I wanted to see her..." Sooah was surprised by his reply and said, "You both were never in peace..."

"I know but I always have cared for her without anyone knowing..." Yejun said while looking at the sky feeling slightly hurt... "But why did you guys always fight? I mean now you guys are on good terms but before...?" Sooah said while looking at Yejun.

Yejun chuckled and said, "As you know my parents work for her parents... I thought she was arrogant and a spoiled rich kid..." And lowered his head...

"But you were wrong..." Sooah completed what Yejun had to say. He looked at her and Sooah continued, "Yesterday I asked her why do you care about Yejun when his parents are just your parents' employees..."

Yejun said, "What did she say to that...?" While curiously looking at Sooah... Sooah smiled and said, "She said I never thought of him or his parents as my parents' employees..." Yejun eyes went wide in shock.

Sooah continued, "Then she said don't ever ask that question to me..." After completing what Sooah wanted to say she looked up at the sky...

Yejun was shocked... He always fought with Soohyun... But Soohyun was always there for him... Whereas Yejun was not there in her hard times...

Sooah got up and so did Yejun and they both walked down to her room... Seeing her sleep made both Sooah and Yejun smile.

Yejun was about to leave when Sooah held his wrist and whispered, "Stay here... It's late..." Yejun looked at Soohyun and nodded while entering the room.

Laying down on the couch all Yejun could think was Soohyun... Why she is suffering so much? Even if she was hospitalized no one from her family showed up... After some time both Yejun and Sooah fell asleep with Soohyun.

Soon it was morning... The sound of birds chattering... The sound of cars... The cold breeze entering the room from the opened window...

Soohyun woke up... She was surprised because after a long time she had a peaceful sleep... She looked around the room for Sooah but she caught Yejun slightly shivering while sleeping on the couch... She put the blanket on him but someone entered the room making Soohyun stop her actions.