Survived by Sleeping

Zhao Luo had already arrived on the surface. Behind him was the giant tree with the shining golden light radiating from the hilt of the sword that was stuck between the tree trunk.

The shine from the tree was falling on Zhao Luo. 

He had gotten taller and a little sturdier than before. His hair had turned gray but there was a beautiful shine on them.

He could easily get ads from hair product companies but sadly that World was already gone.

This was the new World, which Zhao Luo wasn't familiar with.

His hair had grown so long that it was reaching his ankles. Because of the golden shine falling on the gray hair, he looked mesmerizing.

This was one of the reasons that the disciples of the Xin Mountain Range were staring at him.

Even if his hair weren't like this or the shine from the tree wasn't falling on him, he had looks that were not seen by these two disciples before, so they would have stared at him nonetheless.