
Zhao Luo looked at his shattered sword and then saw the dual claws of the sand lion leader coming towards his head with an incredible speed.

'Should I dodge this?'

Zhao Luo thought. 

Rose was worried for Zhao Luo but if she could hear his thoughts she would slap him.

Obviously, if those sharp claws were coming at anyone, they would instinctively dodge them.

As for Zhao Luo, he was contemplating whether to dodge the attack or deal with the attack in some other way.

Si Chen and Rose saw that Zhao Luo wasn't moving so they thought maybe the breaking of the sword took a hit on Zhao Luo's mental state and now he was struck with fear.

That's why he wasn't even trying to dodge the fast claws.

But who was Zhao Luo?

He had already mastered the first step to Godhood.

He was already a master of Naoli.