
Xin Mountain Range.

On the stairs of the entry mountain of the Xin Range, two silhouettes could be seen climbing the stairs pretty fast.

The one in the lead was a girl whose face was covered with a veil.

It was Rose. 

She was in the lead.

Right behind her, Zhao Luo was trying to catch up to her. But it was harder than he had expected.

Carrying Si Chen while racing against Rose on these rising stairs with the increasing pressure on his legs with every step he took, was proving hard for even Zhao Luo.

Zhao Luo still hadn't used all of the power in his legs. If he wanted to pass Rose, he could do it easily if he used all the strength in his legs. 

'I should let her win.'

Zhao Luo thought. It wouldn't be bad if he owed a request to this beautiful girl.

Zhao Luo who was sure that he was 'letting' Rose win didn't know that Rose was also staying back as she didn't want to get too far from them.