With Brother Sang ;)

Brother sang looked at Zhao Luo and stared at him for a moment. 

"Why is this guy so handsome?"

Brother Sang thought. But he didn't know that he was thinking out loud.

"I hate handsome guys. I should beat this kid to a pulp later."

Brother Sang's evil thoughts were heard by everyone.

"What are you saying, Brother Sang?"

Rose questioned.

"What did I say?"

Brother Sang was stupid enough to not realize that they all heard what he was thinking about.

As for him, he was thinking but for others, he was announcing his plans.

"You are the same as always, Brother Sang."

Si Chen said while smiling.

This senior of his who went by the name of Brother Sang was a very helping fellow.

Even the guys older than Sang would call him Brother Sang because there would be at least a single time in the Xin Sect when they would have been in trouble and Sang would be their hero of that moment.