Leaving For the Entrance Exam

Zhao Luo knew what his next destination was.

"I will go to the Xin Sect to train there."

Zhao Luo told Brother Sang with a serious tone. 

He had already made his decision and there was no turning back on it.

'I can also meet Rose there. And Si Chen too.'

Zhao Luo thought.

Other reasons like these gave Zhao Luo the conviction that he should join the Xin Sect as soon as possible.

Brother Sang looked at Zhao Luo who was having thoughts about the 'other reasons' and thought.

'So he wants to join the Xin Sect. I will do my best to help him.'

Brother Sang thought and after thinking for a while he made a very ugly face as if someone had kicked his balls.

"How did I forget about that?"

Brother Sang yelled causing Zhao Luo to be scared for a moment.

"What happened?"

Zhao Luo asked him. Why would a silent guy suddenly yell like that, there must be a very big reason behind it.