
Zhao Luo had already solved two riddles. That too right after they had appeared that is, in just a moment. He was 20 points already.

It was like he could know the answer while reading the riddle.

Usually, if a riddle was to be given to somebody, they would first read it then understand it and think for a moment to find the answer to the riddle this solving it but for Zhao Luo, it was just a joke.

Seeing Zhao Luo solve two of his riddles so easily left the Second Elder in a shock. But he calmed down soon enough.

'What a young talent, he can succeed my name.'

Second Elder thought while looking at the confident-looking Zhao Luo.

'What are these second-grade riddles? Don't tell me the old man made them personally.'

Zhao Luo thought. 

The Second Elder didn't read Zhao Luo's thoughts this time as he was busy in his thoughts regarding Zhao Luo's talent in solving riddles, otherwise, he would have smacked Zhao Luo.
